We’ve been talking a lot about the coronavirus and the importance of hand washing. That’s because this form of personal hygiene is one of the keys of killing this virus. Washing your hands is always important, whether we’re dealing with a pandemic or not. But after touching these following items, it’s especially important and here’s why. Most of us tend to forget how germy these items are.
Grocery Cart Handles
There’s a reason why stores like Walmart have a healthy stock of sanitizing wipes for shoppers to wipe these handles down. Grocery cart handles are touched by many people. They are exposed to many germs carried by people after handling produce or raw meat. Even worse your cart could’ve been pushed by someone suffering the cold or the flu. So after you get touched these handles, definitely wash your hands or apply some hand sanitizer as soon as you can.
Door Handles & Elevator Buttons

These are important items in a home that you must wipe down constantly because they are also touched by many people. You must also wash your hands after touching them. After opening doors in buildings or hospitals, please wash your hands or apply a hand sanitizer. Flu viruses can last for 24-48 hours on materials such as plastic or stainless steel. There are reports that the coronavirus illness could live on surfaces as well.
Dollar Bills
A lot of times we tend to forget that money has germs. It has been handled by many people before it comes to you. In fact, one study shows that the flu virus can live on paper money for as long as 17 days. So be sure to give your hands a good washing after dealing with transactions.
Shared Pens
Another item that we share amongst each other is pens. That is why it’s important we use our own pens when out in public. However, if you have to use somebody else’s pen, be sure to wash your hands afterwards because germs can live on hard surface of objects like pens.
Protect yourself at all times during this pandemic. Follow the CDC guidelines in washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before rinsing. Make your personal hygiene a top priority. For more information on other germy items, check out the article, “Wash your Hands after Touching These 11 Items.” Feel free to leave a comment below.