There’s no doubt these difficult times have made an impact on a person’s mental health. Many have succumbed to depression, stress, and anxiety. To remedy this, many have turned to self-help books, therapists, and other mental professionals. However, there is one good source many fail to turn to for help in their mental health state. This is developing a spiritual need.
Having a Spiritual need balances you
Once you turn to God for help in dealing with your mental problems, whether it is a depression or bipolar disorder, you will feel more balanced in your life. You will feel more grounded in managing your condition despite the challenges. By letting God in your life, it makes life’s problems a little easier to handle. This is not to say that it will always be easy. But it does give your life a strong sense of balance of handling problems better.
Spirituality gives you Comfort
When dealing with any mental illness, spirituality could give your heart and mind so much comfort. It won’t exactly cure your condition. But it can put your mind at ease when you feel like there’s no way out. For example, by reading the Bible every day, you start to feel a little better each time. Lean on it for support in coping with your mental illness.

A Spiritual Need Gives you Hope
Coping with any serious illness that we can’t help, whether it’s affecting our brain or another serious organ, can be draining on our soul. But having a strong sense of spirituality gives you a deep sense of hope. Hope gives you the ability to develop the assured expectation of something that you don’t see. It gives you the faith to endure your condition against all odds.
Having a Spiritual Need helps you Cope
By having a solid sense of spirituality, this gives you the ability to cope with your mental illness better. Every day will not be perfect. You will still have your good days and bad days. But a healthy reliance on Jehovah will motivate you to take each day at a time. Stay on top of your treatments. Rely on loving friends and family to help you to deal with your condition. Pray constantly each day and you will see your coping skills thrive. Believe me- things will get better.
Are you dealing with a mental illness or know someone you love coping with one? Feel free to share in the comments section below. Also, be sure to like or share this post with someone you love.
Thanks Brandy for your words of encouragement. I am going through these very me