It’s been a very interesting year, to say the least. Most people may regard 2020 as a horrible year. Some may call it a year where people grew closer to their loved ones. No matter how you describe this year, it has certainly been different. We all have learned something new this year being mostly stuck in the house. What has the year 2020 taught you? Here are a few things it has taught me.

Baking and Cooking Skills
Because this pandemic has caused us to spend most of our time at home, we have had more time devoted to improving our cooking or baking skills. I know I certainly have. Before this pandemic, I liked to cook but had little time devoted to doing it more. But now I’ve been trying all sorts of simple recipes, from seafood to stir frys. I have even been finding myself baking more and that is something I’ve hardly ever do. I can’t say that I’m a top chef. But I have become a little more confident at it than I used to.
Learning to do my Hair
I wrote about learning how to do my hair in creative styles earlier this year. It has certainly been an interesting journey. I can’t say that the styles were perfectly done. But they did end up looking nice on me. One of these days, perhaps in 2022, I’ll probably get myself back in the hair salon. Or I’ll go back to having one of my friends handle it. But for now, I’ll continue to utilize YouTube tutorials on how to do my thick hair.
Learning how to Work from Home
Another thing I’ve learned this year is how to perform secular work from home. I think the vast majority of us have been doing that. Well, most of us have been fortunate to have a job this year. I’ve learned how to be successful in staying in touch with my co-workers on assignments and projects through apps such as Microsoft Teams and Asana. These tech tools have been amazing in helping companies stay in touch on projects and conduct virtual meetings.
The year 2020 hasn’t been the best year for most of us. But in some ways, it has been quite unforgettable. When we look back on this year, it will convey different meanings for all of us. But one certain thing, it was the year where we all have learned something new. Now it’s time to hear from you. What has the year 2020 taught you? Let me know in the comments below what you got out of this year. As usual, please like or share this post with someone you love.