We’re still in the midst of an Indian summer and some people are experiencing the annoyance of getting bit by mosquitoes. I recently visited Indianapolis the weekend before last and got chewed up quite a bit. There are plenty of good ointments or creams out there for those experiencing this problem. But you could also try some natural remedies for your swollen bites. Here are a few you could start making at home today.

Best Ointment or Cream for Insect Bites
When considering the best ointment or cream for those pesky insect bites, you have to look at the best fighting ingredients that are formulated for this. Over-the-counter steroid creams are usually helpful for itching relief. The active medicinal ingredient found in hydrocortisone cream is hydrocortisone acetate, which helps to relieve irritation and swelling of mosquito bites. Hydrocortisone cream can be used by both adults and children aged 10 years and over. Calamine and antihistamine lotions are also beneficial for bug bites. Ask for prescription-strength topical steroids if you’re uncomfortable with over-the-counter products.
Natural Remedies for Swollen Mosquito Bites
If you’re looking for natural remedies for those pesky insect bites, there are plenty of them you can consider. The most common one is putting an ice packet on the area that is affected. You can wet a cloth in cold water or fill it with a cube of ice and leave it on for about 10 to 20 minutes. Be sure to don’t apply ice directly on your skin because that could cause damage. By doing this, you’ll reduce the stinging pain and swelling of your mosquito bite. Also, be sure to wash the area with soap and water first.
Another good natural way of treating a mosquito bite is by using baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is commonly used for various reasons, such as baking bread or cleaning. But did you know it could also be used for swollen mosquito bites? You can make a simple baking soda paste at home to sit on your skin for a few minutes.
Home Remedies Mosquito Repellent Recipes
The recipe to make a baking soda paste is pretty quick to make at home. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Apply it to the affected area and let sit for 10 minutes. If it starts to badly affect your skin, discontinue using this treatment.
Apple cider vinegar is another at-home remedy you can use for a swollen mosquito bite. Its acidity helps to neutralize any toxins that might’ve entered the skin. Just apply a nice amount on a cotton ball to the affected area.
Another option you can give a try is to apply a tea bag to your insect bite area. Yes, the tannins in a tea bag help to minimize itching and reduce swelling. Try dipping a tea bag, preferably green tea, in cold water for about 15 minutes. Apply it to your affected bug bite area for about 10 minutes.
Natural Relief for Mosquito Bites
Some people develop bad reactions to medicated ointments or creams for mosquito bites. That’s why they may consider utilizing at-home remedies to ease the pain. These remedies provide the natural relief that’s best for their skin. So the next time you feel an annoying mosquito bite coming, try implementing one of these natural remedies to alleviate the pain.
Do you have your at-home natural remedy for those pesky insect bites? Feel free to share in the comments below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with someone you know.