By now you have heard the news about our Windy City Chicago deciding to reopen the vast majority of its businesses to boost the economy. On paper, this may sound like something to be happy about. Summer is almost here and nobody likes to mostly stay inside during this time of the year. However, the reality is that this virus is still spreading. So we must still exercise caution and not put ourselves at risk. If the company where you work is opening up or your favorite restaurant is going back into business, here are some things you need to know.
Wear a mask when you’re around people
I know it’s been said often, but it bears repeating. If you’re in a public place, you have to wear a protective face mask. Most people, including myself on a few occasions, have been guilty of wearing it while driving. I can tell you that doing this isn’t exactly necessary. If you’re in the car by yourself, it’s okay to take it off. Wearing one for a long period could reduce the oxygen in the blood and the brain. So try to wear one only when it’s necessary and that’s when you’re around people.

Keep your immune system up
Make sure you’re doing everything to strengthen your immune system. I’ve heard recently that the acidity level of the coronavirus varies from 5.5 to 8.5. So try to nourish your system with more alkaline foods above the acidity level of the virus. Some of these foods include mangos, garlic, avocado, oranges, and pineapples, just to name a few. These foods are common in a lot of great recipes, too.
Make sure your company is doing everything to keep you safe
Many people are going to be heading back to their respective places of work. It is important to find out what is your company’s plan of protecting their employees from the virus. Are they constantly reminding people to sanitize their cubicles? Are they serious about having their employees wear masks and social distance? You should also do your part in properly sanitizing to lower your risk.
Wash your hands, wash your hands
I understand that you’re tired of hearing this, but it’s one of the only ways of keeping your risk down. You must wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Even if you’re not by a sink with a bar of soap, please bring a hand sanitizer with you at all times. Clean, germ-free hands have a big impact on your health.
I hope you find these tips helpful. If you’re going back to work next week and you have other tips for staying germ-free, feel free to share in the comments section below. For more help in dealing with these hard times, sign up for my “5 Encouraging Words” list today.
Excellent read…sound advice.
We’re not out the woods yet!