I was watching TV one day and came across a commercial which talks about a condition of excessive sweating called hyperhidrosis. The commercial shared with me a website called “Check your Sweat,” which gives more information about this condition, a short test to see if you’re dealing with it and different ways to manage this excessive sweating.
I know this is the summer time and sweating comes with the territory. But if you’ve been constantly experiencing unnatural amounts of sweating, you may want to seek help for this. The website gives a few helpful ways in manage this condition.
The first and foremost way lies in the type of deodorant you choose. According to the “Check your Sweat” website, it will do you good to choose an antiperspirant over a deodorant. Deodorants work in masking body odor, but they don’t relieve excessive sweating like an antiperspirant would. Antiperspirants have active ingredients such as aluminum chloride which can temporarily block sweat pores and keep you fresh in the office.

If you’re dealing with this condition, you may want to skip out on the following types of food and beverages. Coffee and tea are known to be sweat triggers by these drinks activate the sweat glands found in the central nervous system. Spicy foods are obviously something to stay from because they cause excessive sweating as well. Even reducing your alcohol consumption could decrease your sweating.
While all of those food and beverages trigger sweating, there is one that you could count on to do the opposite-that’s water. I cannot express how important it is to drink plenty of water during this summer season. Constant hydration helps to regulate your body temperature when it gets too high.
If you want further information on hyperhidrosis, that short sweat assessment I mentioned or the best clothing to wear when you’re dealing with this, visit www.checkyoursweat.com.