It’s hard to believe, but we’re almost at the end of another year. With the end of another year, it’s time I start highlighting my top five stories on my blog for the year. Here are the five stories I liked reporting and sharing with my readers.

5. Endometriosis- A Condition that is Affecting Many Black Women Today
This blog post got a nice amount of shares on Facebook this past June. Endometriosis is a condition that affects the women’s reproductive system and causes the tissue similar to the lining of the uterus to grow outside of it. It affects black women just as badly as white women. If you’ve been experiencing any of the symptoms in this post or know anyone experiencing them, go see a doctor as soon as possible.
4. A Neuroscientist Shares What It’s Like to Live with Dementia
This post was also shared on Facebook quite a bit. I’ve recalled a real-life story of a neuroscientist’s experience with dementia. It was a fascinating story of how she overcome this illness. I’m still interested in reading Dr. Barbara Lipska’s book by the way.
3. How Discouragement Affects our Overall Well-being
This post was also shared several times on social media. I talked about how discouragement could bring a person’s overall health down and how you can combat this feeling. Live your life in a positive way as much as possible.
2. Feeling Low?- How You Can Give Your Self-Esteem a Boost
I remember getting positive reactions from my readers after writing this post. In this post, I encourage the importance of self-care amongst us women. Getting your hair or your nails done brings out the best in a lot of us. It, along with exercise, could boost your self-esteem.
1. My Beautiful Week of Spiritual Activity
This post was my personal favorite because I opened up about my best week of remote learning ever. Not only was it an educational and spiritual week, but I also really developed my Haitian Creole language learning skills. I can’t tell you that I’m fluent, but going to my first lekol pyonye (pioneer school, by the way) nan Kreyol helped build my confidence.
So there you have it! Those were my top five stories on my Good News for the Soul blog of the year 2021. I hope you enjoyed reading, sharing, or liking them as much as I enjoyed writing them.