Last week, I took a break from my blog to immerse myself into some deep studying of the Scriptures and the foreign language Haitian Creole. I attended my first Haitian Creole Pioneer Service School- virtually on Zoom, of course. It was a faith-strengthening, encouraging, educational, everything I knew it was going to be. My head is still full of all the knowledge I’ve acquired.

Help me Grow as a Teacher
This week-long school taught all 19 of us how to use questions and illustrations to effectively teach people Bible truth. The demonstrations and discussion sections in our textbook helped give us sound advice on doing this. I was reminded of the importance of showing personal interest in people by just striking a simple conversation. Several of us were given advice on how to effectively teach people in settings we’re typically uncomfortable with, such as over the phone. But after this school, we felt better about contacting people in this manner.
Grow as a Person
The Pioneer Service School has taught me how to be a better daughter, friend, sister, and most importantly a servant of Jehovah. It taught me how to draw closer to him and his son Jesus Christ. While I can’t say that I’m a perfect person because of this school. We all are a work in progress. However, this school has given me the advice needed to draw close to my loved ones and my heavenly father.
This is truly important because of the world we’re currently living in. By staying close to Him and his wonderful son for strength, we will be able to endure these trials with courage.
Grow in my Knowledge of this Language
I have been learning the Haitian Creole language for almost 4 years now and it has been such a rewarding experience. I’ve wanted to learn this language to reach and teach more people about God’s message from the Bible. During these past 4 years, I have managed to do just that by finding and sharing encouraging scriptures with Haitian people here. While I’m far from fluent, I truly have come a long way since first starting to learn Haitian Creole.
It has certainly been a joy to be a part of this school. I’ve learned so much and I hope to do the best I can in applying what I learn. Do you have a certain week you like to call, “your best week ever” like last week was for me? Feel free to share in the comments section below or share something else positive that is on your mind. As always, like or share this post with someone you know.