We’re almost wrapping up the year 2020 and without question, this year has been a turbulent one for many. However, this year has truly been a busy one for me in sharing some upbuilding, encouraging, and informative health posts, mostly thanks to this pandemic. Writing in my Good News for the Soul health blog has certainly been a cathartic and beautiful experience for me this year. We all needed some instruction and advice on how to get through this so-called “new normal.” That’s why without further or due here are some of my 5 favorite posts I enjoyed writing about this year.

5. 4 Hair Care Reminders for Women Doing it From Home
I wrote this post after learning how to do crochet braids. Also, I took a picture of what I accomplished. I mainly wrote this for all my women out there who have been doing their hair instead of going to the shop during this pandemic. While these are common tips most women practice, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded about them.
4. How my Father will Probably Feel about this Pandemic
It was interesting to reflect on what my father will think about this current pandemic two years after his death. But another one of his favorite things to do was singing- not professionally, just for fun. One of the things I failed to mention in this post was he probably would use Zoom to do some virtual performances with a group he has with his friends. Yeah, I could see him utilizing the popular video conferencing app in that way.
3. A World Fallen Apart
This post was written after the other biggest news story of the year besides COVID-19. That story is the incessant protests all over America over the unjust death of a black man named George Floyd. Normally, I try to stay away from writing about something like this to reflect on health-related topics. But I had to take the time to examine this because these riots help show that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes, according to 2 Tim. 3:1-5. If we all lived by the scripture at Rom. 12:19 and leave unjust acts in Jehovah’s hands, do you think we would be seeing those devastating riots?
2. How to Reduce Anxiety During These Troublesome Times
This was one of my most popular posts this year. I received quite a bit of comments from some family and friends of mine who were touched by this post, including my mother and my uncle. These were simple steps, but they were still helpful reminders we often take for granted. One of the main ones we take for granted is praying. Start praying during these last days if you haven’t started already.
1. Why Spirituality is Vital for your Mental Health
This is a recent post I wrote about why spirituality is very important when taking care of your mental health. Many people have found their mental health to become out of sorts due to this pandemic. Some have succumbed to depression and anxiety. However, if we all become more conscious of our spiritual needs, we would be in an improved state than before.
Those are my five favorite posts I enjoyed writing in my blog this year. I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I did writing them. If you’ve been keeping up with my Good News for the Soul blog, you may have a different favorite post of mine. Feel free to share your favorite post from my blog and what you like about it. As usual, like or share this post with someone you love.