Last week, I discussed how we could still show love despite the fact we’re social distancing. This week, I’m going to shed light on reducing our anxiety during this pandemic era. Many people have become on edge because of the rising amounts of people either being infected or dying from this illness. Worse enough, there are people walking around possibly infected with this condition and don’t even realize it. Like most people, you may ask, what is the best way to reduce our anxiety during such an anxious time? What are the best effective ways to calm ourselves down? Here are four good ways that come to mind.
Remain Calm
This may be what everyone is telling you, but it’s important. If you don’t remain calm, you will lose yourself mentally. Sometimes, set aside some time to take some deep breaths and relax. Thinking positively could really help. Being calm at a time like this is good for your heart, too. It benefits the body as a whole.
Consider taking up a hobby

Legal authorities are admonishing people to stay home during this contagion outbreak. Most people find that sort of thing hard to do. How about breaking this cycle of boredom by taking up a hobby? Some people have been using all this time at home to learn a new craft, study a new skill or start on a new project. Whatever it is that you’ve been trying to learn, now is a great time to dive into that.
Help others in need
Just like was brought out in my last post, we all could still reach out to one another in another way. But the people who really need our assistance are the elderly and sickly ones. Strive to check on people who are house-bound due to pre-existing conditions. Do some grocery shopping for them. Making sure other people are staying safe is a great way to reduce stress during these troublesome times.
Just pray!
Last, but not least, just stop, think and pray! You have to set aside some time to do that. Pouring our heart out to God will certainly put your mind and heart at ease. We as humans don’t do this enough and at this time, we especially need to start. So throw all your anxiety and burden on Jehovah and he himself will sustain you. There is no doubt that we are in stressful times now. But by following these tips, we can all put our heads together and endure through this pandemic.
Need some more words of encouragement? Check out my checklist, “5 Words of Encouragement for those Dealing with a Chronic Illness.” As always, feel free to share, like or leave a comment below.
Brandi Very very thought provoking . encouraging and calming
Thanks for those excellent reminders! I will CERTAINLY make it my aim to follow this advice daily!
Brandi your commentary is excellent advice in this time of stress. It helps us to turn a negative into a positive. Good job. Chuck Barton
Brandi thank you for these words of encouragement.
Brandi these are but a few wonderful words of wisdom. Sometimes we cause our own unnecessary stresses. We all need these reminders. Thank you🤗
That was very practical and encouraging. Thanks
I Love this! A perfect example of why we should All find it in our hearts at this time, considering the time that we live in to encourage and up build one another as often as we can.
Good job Brandi! Keep up the good work!!!
Absolutely Positively Encouraging Word’s Brandi, Like Medicine To The Soul, Excellent.
Thanks for the feedback about this post. I will continue doing so.