As we enter this fall season, we will be dealing with a lot of things that will test our immune systems. Whether it is COVID-19, Delta variants, the flu, or other variants, we have to prepare ourselves and our loved ones. Are you always wearing your mask? Are you keeping your children’s health in order? Are you fully vaccinated? These are just some of the things we must be mindful of. Keep your immune system strong while enjoying the fall season.

Flu Season is expected to be Harder this Year
Experts are saying that this season is expected to hit harder this time around. With more places reopening and more people traveling than last year, you can expect more flu transmission to hit across America. It will especially become more complicated to deal with because we’re still coping with COVID-19 and its variants. It’s not enough to protect ourselves against them, we have to still protect ourselves against the flu, too.
Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19 and the Flu
We all know about the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu. But now you can be vaccinated against both viruses at the same time.
The CDC just recently announced that it is now safe to get vaccinated against both COVID-19 and the flu. The organization says that you don’t have to have any waiting periods between vaccines and the COVID vaccine. “You can get them around the same time. We would much rather you get them at the same time then potentially miss getting one shot or the other and getting the disease, and or getting worse disease because you weren’t immunized,” said Dr. E. J. Mayeaux, associate vice chancellor for clinical affairs with Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport.
Stock on Immune-boosting Supplies
Of course, you should also be piling up on some immune-boosting items such as ginger or lemon teas, fruits, and veggies, hand sanitizers, etc. Be sure to add garlic into the mix because it could reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections. Whole grains and lots of chicken soup are also good foods in keeping your immune system up.
But besides the nutritional foods, you should have in your fridge and pantry, be sure to always wash your hands with soap and water. Make personal hygiene a high priority and don’t slack off in mask-wearing. Get adequate amounts of sleep every night and make room for personal exercise.
Protect yourself During this Flu Season
With the flu season approaching along with COVID-19 and its variants, it’s going to be a tough fall and winter season for all of us. That’s why we must continue to follow the protocol in washing our hands, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, wearing our masks, and getting all our recommended vaccinations to be ready for this season.
Share some ways you plan on keeping you and your family’s immune system strong for this flu season coming up in the comments section below. Be sure to like or share this post with someone you dearly love.