I came across another interesting article about how the look of your fingernails could affect your health. It had some interesting insight into how your nails’ appearance could lead to serious health problems. Now I’ve written about different foods to eat to strengthen the health of your nails. But I haven’t exactly shared how your nails appearance impacts your health. Let’s examine what to look for in the appearance of your nails and how this impacts your health.
Look for Dark Lines on Nails

Some people could walk around with dark lines on their nails and don’t realize this could bad for their health. In some cases, it could be cancerous. Certain diseases like melanoma can cause dark lines on the nails that can be confused for another condition. It could calcium deficiency or just strange hereditary marks. Just be on the safe side and go to the doctor to get yourself checked. However, there are some cases where this unusual appearance in your nails could be not so serious at all. But it may not be such a bad idea to go to the doctor anyway.
Pale and White Nails are Unhealthy Signs, too
If you have pale or mostly white nails, these could be signs of a health problem, too. Anemia, malnutrition, liver disease, and congestive heart failure are all alarming health signs connected to pale-looking nails. For mostly white nails, this could indicate liver problems like hepatitis. So if you’ve been experiencing these problems with your nails, you should consider going to the doctor to examine this.
Yellow Nails are Signs of Health Concerns
For those experiencing a yellow appearance within their nails, you will also have to go to the doctor. Fungal infection is one of the most common causes of yellow nails. If you don’t do anything to treat this condition, it could only get worse leading to further damage within the nail bed. There are also rare cases where yellow nails could be an indication of even serious diseases such as thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes, or psoriasis.
We do all sorts of things with our nails, such as painting them, putting diamond studs on them, etc. But it’s also vital that we take the time to look at their appearance. The way they look could sometimes tell us what is physically going on with us.
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