During this busy winter season, many people are always on the go. However, being too busy could sometimes be a bad thing. This could cause them to neglect the health of their bodies and minds. How do you make sure that your full self is in good shape this season? Here are four keys to staying physically fit from head to toe.

- Develop an exercise routine- For most of us, this isn’t exactly easy. It becomes even harder in the winter time. But it takes a lot of discipline to keep it as a routine. Try walking or jogging to places instead of driving all the time. If you can’t afford a gym membership, buy an exercise ball, play some YouTube videos and start getting into shape.
- Maintain a balanced diet- During the wintertime, it’s very easy to succumb to eating whatever we want. But you have to be balanced in the foods that you eat. Develop the will power to not go for a second plate of food. Some people keep track of what they’re putting in their mouth by keeping a food diary.
- Keep a journal- Now that we covered staying physically fit, it’s also important to stay mentally fit as well. One of the ways to do this is to keep a writing journal. By writing in that journal, what you do everyday or your deepest thoughts, you are releasing a huge weight off your shoulders. A lot of people think keeping a private journal or diary is cathartic in opening up about their emotions.
- Surround yourself around family and friends- When you have good family and friends who love and care about you, it really puts your mind at ease. Sometimes you need their support and encouragement to help you get through rough times. When you have something heavy on your mind, don’t be afraid to confide in someone you know and love for encouragement.
Staying fit during this winter season does take work. But it can be accomplished by staying disciplined in the foods we eat, exercising consistently, keep a writing journal and lean on others for support. For another post about staying fit during the winter season, check out my post about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).