There are a lot of things that have been said about spicy foods. Some of those things are positive. Some of them are negative. Most people find them dangerous to your health. But are they really bad or good for your health? Here are some outlined benefits to adding a little spice to your favorite foods.

Spicy foods contain the compound capsaicinoids, which help create their spicy taste. This chemical compound happen to possess several health benefits, according to the article, “Are spicy foods healthy or dangerous?” on One of those is weight loss. An analysis of 90 different studies shows that spicy foods can reduce appetite and increase energy expenditure.
But in addition to weight loss, spicy foods may actually help ulcers, instead of cause them. Multiple studies show that capsaicin actually inhibits acid production in the stomach. It has actually been considered as a medication for preventing ulcer development in people who take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Here’s another benefit about spicy foods – it doesn’t cause hemorrhoids. In a 2006 study published in Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, researchers randomly assigned people with large hemorrhoids to taking a placebo capsule or a capsule of red hot chili powder. The participants had to rate the effects of the pills on their hemorrhoid symptoms. The study found that the spicy capsules had no effect on hemorrhoid symptoms.
So spicy foods may be zesty in your mouth, but they do have their health benefits. So don’t be afraid to add a little spice to your favorite foods. Just don’t go overboard with it! For more information on this topic, visit the article, “Are spicy foods healthy or dangerous?” on