One thing about the wintertime is that it could be a little easy to succumb to eating more. However, if you’re dealing with diabetes, it’s very vital to maintain a balance with this. As the temperature drops, your blood sugar rises up by eating more and exercising less. But there’s no need to worry because here are some useful tips to controlling your blood sugar this winter.
Warm up your body
One great way to get your blood flowing is by exercising. It controls your blood sugar, improves your cognitive skills and boosts up your mood. It also does the obvious in keeping you warm. For those who don’t feel like leaving their homes, try walking up and down on the steps of your apartment or cleaning your house. These are two great ways to get your heart pumping without leaving your home this winter.

Watch what you eat
Of course, during the wintertime, you have to control the foods you eat. Some healthy and warm choices for controlling your blood sugar include stews and soups with delicious veggies. Steer clear of foods with salt and extra calories like ordered fast-food and frozen dinners. Be sure to count your carbs for all the foods that you eat.
Stay positive during this winter
Like I’ve mentioned earlier, it could be so easy to succumb to heavy snacking during the winter. People generally do this when they are depressed or lonely. This is why it is important to stay in touch with your friends this season. Give that friend of yours you haven’t spoke to in awhile a phone call. Perhaps try inviting her and a few other friends for movie watching and playing games. This will cheer you up, control your blood sugar and stay positive this winter.
Controlling your blood sugar takes hard work and self-control. But it can be done with exercising, eating well and keeping your mood up this winter. For more ways you can control your blood sugar this winter, check out the article, “Controlling Blood Sugar During the Winter.” As always, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this post.