Whether you’re stressed by everything that’s going on in the world or the demands of work, panic attacks have become one of the most common conditions amongst Americans, especially women. There has been a gender disparity amongst people suffering from this form of anxiety disorder. Data from large surveys show that it is more common in women than in men. If you’re a woman who has experienced this condition, there are ways you can seek help for this.
Reasons for the Gender Disparity
One of the reasons panic attacks affect women more is the existence of premenstrual hormonal fluctuations. This condition involves changing levels of hormones in the body during the menstrual cycle. These fluctuations may also explain the increased frequency of respiratory-related symptoms. Another major symptom in panic attacks happens to be common amongst women and that’s hot flashes.
What Causes Panic Attacks
It’s not exactly known what causes panic attacks. It could be hereditary or stress. In some cases, it could be caused by certain changes in the brain’s functioning. Research even shows that your body’s natural response to danger could be involved in panic attacks.
Several risk factors come into play. These factors include major life changes, such as having a baby, excessive caffeine intake, or a serious traumatic event that occurred in a person’s life.
Importance of Seeking Treatment

If this has happened to you or if you know someone who has experienced panic attacks, please seek treatment immediately. Without immediate treatment, this will only get worse. Some good examples of treatment include psychotherapy and certain medications such as benzodiazepines. These are sedatives that are approved by the FDA for the treatment of panic attacks.
Having an active lifestyle is a good way to prevent this condition. Regular exercise helps lower stress levels and reduces occurrences of panic attacks. This regimen also protects against anxiety.
You Could Win the Fight against Panic Attacks
While there’s no sure way to prevent this condition, maintaining an active lifestyle, eating right, and getting sufficient sleep are three great ways to lower your chances. Implementing stress management techniques is another great way to prevent panic attacks. If you incorporate these habits into your life and listen to your doctor, you will be able to win the fight against this condition.
If you have experienced panic attacks, what treatment methods have worked for you? Share your experience with this condition in the comments section.
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