Many people are going out of town during this fall and winter season. While most people are trying to avoid getting their luggage lost, the vast majority are also trying to avoid getting sick on their flight. These are perilous times that we are living in and you have to take extra precautions in staying healthy while flying. Even if you are fully vaccinated, you must still be careful. Here are 5 effective ways you can avoid getting infected with COVID or any other illness on a plane despite being vaccinated.

Wash and Sanitize your Hands
It can’t be said enough, but one of the top traveling items you must have in your to-go bag is hand sanitizers. Go for hand sanitizers that contain 60% or more alcohol. These sanitizers are more effective in preventing you from spreading your germs. While hand sanitizers are nice and convenient, nothing should replace good old fashion soap and water. If you have access to a sink, be sure to wash your hands with those two things every chance you get.
Opt for a Window Seat
If you’re able, be sure to go for a window seat on a plane. Window seats do experience less traffic from people than aisle seats. You will also lower your chances of being infected by someone. So the first window seat that you find, be sure to go ahead and claim it.
Wear a Mask
As always, be sure to have your mask on even if you’re vaccinated. Not only is it a requirement, especially when you’re around people, but it prevents you from touching your nose and mouth. Another thing to point out is that most airlines have stricter face mask rules. Here are the specific mask rules that some of the most popular airlines require:
Delta Airlines– Masks should be free from any punctures, slits, or holes. This airline also prohibits bandanas, scarves, and masks with exhaust valves.
United Airlines– Airline prohibits bandanas in place of actual masks. If you’re going to wear a face shield, you must wear a mask with it, too.
Southwest Airlines– There are quite a bit of mask restrictions for this airline. Don’t show up wearing a bandana, a single-layer mask, a scarf, or a balaclava if you’re boarding Southwest.
No matter what airline you board, be sure to follow their mask guidelines thoroughly.
Keep your Things in Overhead Bins
It wouldn’t be such a good idea to keep your items on the floor under you. That’s why you might want to consider putting them in an overhead bin. By putting them on the floor, you are exposing your travel luggage to germs. In addition to that, you will be picking up germs from previous passengers who’ve had their items on the floor, especially if the aircraft wasn’t vacuumed. Keep both you and your personal items germ-free while flying.
Travel with your Medicine
If you do happen to feel nauseous on a plane, it will benefit you to carry it on board with you. You’ll save time, money, and stress by choosing to go this route. Consider packing in prescription medication, indigestion tablets, or vitamins to help manage your symptoms. You will especially need these things for longer flights.
Nobody wants to get sick on a plane. That’s why it will benefit us to follow these tips in lowering our chances. By doing this, you will have a happy and safe flight to your destination.
Have you been somewhere or planning to go somewhere this year? Share your tips for staying healthy on a flight. As always, feel free to like or share this post with a traveler you know.