Late last year, I’ve written a post about some of the best types of foods that could keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. Now this year, I thought I share five more foods that could provide a clean and healthy mouth. Some of these foods could also whiten your teeth. Let’s learn about these five extra types of foods that clean your teeth and keep them healthy.
Onions and Garlic
When you think of garlic and onions, the last thing that’ll likely come to your mind is these foods are good for your mouth. Their pungent smells don’t exactly freshen our breaths. However, both of these superfoods do contain powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that are effective in fighting tooth decay and periodontal disease. Chopped raw garlic contains a substance called allicin, which helps fight bacteria. An onion comes with plenty of benefits for your dental health. It can strengthen your teeth and has powerful antibacterial properties that can stave off the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.
This fatty fish is high in vitamin D, which is an important vitamin for our oral health. It’s a tasty main course food that is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is a superfood that helps make your mouth more resistant to gum infections and helps them heal quickly during treatments. It’s loaded with phosphorous, which is a mineral that helps to protect tooth enamel.

You’re probably wondering- how a fruit that stains your teeth could help them? Strangely enough, the malic acid content found in strawberries helps to whiten your teeth. It’s also packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C is important for the collagen, which is found in the dentin of your teeth. However, be sure to floss after eating some because those strawberry seeds could get stuck in your teeth.
A lot of people love this citrus fruit for its Vitamin C components. Just like oranges, grapefruits could help reduce inflammation and strengthen your gums. However, the key to having grapefruits benefit your dental health is to eat them in moderation. Its acidic content can erode your teeth enamel, which can cause tooth decay. So try brushing and flossing your teeth at least 30 minutes after eating the fruit instead of doing it right away.
I’ve mentioned leafy veggies in a past similar blog post. Broccoli is one of those veggies that provide high levels of calcium that your teeth need. It also offers plenty of Vitamin K, which is important for proper blood clotting. Broccoli is high in fiber and can help clean and polish your teeth. It’s also packed with iron that forms a protective coating on the tooth enamel.
These are some of the five extra types of foods that could clean and strengthen your teeth. Taking care of your teeth should be something that you must do every day of the year. One of the most important aspects of keeping them healthy is eating the right type of foods, like broccoli, grapefruit, strawberries, salmon, onions, and garlic. Implement these foods in your diet to have a healthy, strong mouth.
What are your favorite foods to eat for a healthy mouth? How do you implement them into your diet? Share your favorite teeth-friendly foods in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next healthy eater you know.