Many of us have pet animals that we adore that make our days feel a little better. Some people are dog lovers, some may prefer birds. Did you know that these animals do help with depression and anxiety? They help lower stress levels and develop a sense of calm in you. Here are some of the most common pet animals that could help with depression and anxiety.
How Dogs Can Help with Depression and Anxiety
One of the most common popular pets amongst many Americans, dogs are great for people who are going through depression and anxiety. They help elevate levels of dopamine and serotonin, which can help calm and relax your nerves. Because you have to do so much with man’s best friend, such as walking them, they also encourage exercise. Dogs are scientifically proven to lower stress levels in us and boost our self-esteem.
Rabbits Can Develop Calmness Among Mental Health Patients
This hippity-hoppity likable animal can help develop calmness among people suffering from mental health illnesses. They were even among the animals that were brought into mental health wards, along with rats and guinea pigs. Rabbits are extremely sociable and can adapt well to human companionship. They are lower maintenance than dogs and great for people who are inexperienced in taking care of pets. However, you can train them to do tricks much like dogs.
Birds are Both Sociable and Intelligent
Extremely intelligent and sociable, birds are one of the best pets for those who are depressed. Some of them have been specifically bred to become human companions. You could have a conversation and bond with them. A parrot is a great choice for a pet you can do all those things with. If you want a feathery friend who could provide plenty of mental health benefits, look no further than getting yourself a pet bird.
Why Cats Make Great Companions
One of my favorite pets that I’ve grown up on and it does make a cute, friendly friend that could help with depression and anxiety. Cats are more independent than dogs, but they are there for you when you need them. These felines are great for helping with loneliness, depression, and anxiety. If you want a pet that doesn’t require the same amount of attention and work as a dog, then a cat could be a good option.

If you’re going through depression or anxiety, having a pet animal, whether it is a dog, cat, rabbit, or bird, could ease your symptoms because of their carefree nature. They could support a healthier lifestyle that includes more exercise. If you like animals, consider getting one of these furry and feathery friends to ease your mood and give you unconditional love.
What animal do you think helps with depression and anxiety? What’s your favorite animal that helps ease your mood? Feel free to share in the comments below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next animal lover you know.