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Four Healthy Snacks that could Balance your Blood Sugar

I looked through another interesting article on the Healthi Guide website.  This new one discussed about 10 nutritional snacks that are effective in balancing blood sugar.  The article was very informative in sharing some foods that are packed with the right kind of nutrients capable of eating between meals. Controlling your blood sugar is vital for people dealing with diabetes.  Here are just four of those snacks and why they are beneficial in managing your blood sugar.

This first snack is a couple of “superfoods” you can eat on the go?  They are goji berries and almonds.  According to the Medical News Today website, goji berries are brightly colored tiny fruits that are widely used as a medicinal herb and a food supplement.  Some of their health benefits include skin hydration, protection of the eyes and stabilization of blood sugar.  By eating it along with almonds and pumpkin seeds, you will get yourself a nice dose of protein snacking.

Try this next snack in between meals-sweet potato toast with cinnamon.  The Healthi Guide article brings up that this root vegetable is loaded with fiber,

Goji berries are a good snack for managing your blood sugar

which promotes blood sugar balance.  Adding cinnamon on this nutritious potato gives it an anti-inflammatory boost.

In addition to the goji berries and almonds, here’s another trail mix you could make on your own-dates and walnuts.  Dates are another food that is also high in fiber, containing 7 grams of it.  Combining it with walnuts helps in giving your body not only fiber intake, but healthy fats, vitamins and minerals as well.

The fourth and last snack to look at for balancing your blood sugar is tart cherries.  Because of their low glycemic index, cherries are a good snack for managing your blood sugar.  They could also work as a nighttime snack and solid source of melatonin.

Lowering your stress levels and eating three proper nutrient and veggie-packed meals a day are a few other ways to get your blood sugar under control.  But including a healthy, balanced snack could be beneficial as well.  For more information, look up the article, “10 Blood Sugar Balancing Snacks to prevent Hangry Symptoms,” on

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