National Women’s Health Week is on May 12-18 this year. This annual observance is an important reminder for young girls and adult women to prioritize their health. This also allows them to learn more about their health and bodies. One of the most important ways of prioritizing your health is scheduling a women’s wellness exam. Here’s how you prepare well for it and what you shouldn’t do before this health exam.
What is the Meaning of National Women’s Health Week?
During this week, women and girls are encouraged to give their health an important priority. Women must start getting themselves screened for medical conditions such as diabetes and breast cancer. National Women’s Health Week is not only about bringing awareness to physical and mental health check-ups but also about acknowledging women’s health conditions. Sometimes, we need to learn how to take charge of our health. It’s all we have and too precious to be taken for granted.
How to Prep for a Women’s Wellness Exam?
One of the most important things in taking charge of your health is scheduling a woman’s wellness exam. During this exam, women are usually pre-screened for various medical conditions, their blood pressure checked, and questions asked by their doctor concerning their medical history. There isn’t a lot of preparation required in getting ready for a medical appointment like this, but it’s important to come ready with a list of questions to ask your doctor. You may have questions that involve what important vaccinations you need or getting a pap smear. Some medical experts recommend that women don’t use vaginal creams 24 hours before the exam.
In some cases, your doctor may recommend some medical tests for you. These tests normally involve you being screened for any serious medical condition such as diabetes, cancer, or any gastrointestinal condition. This occurs if you experience enough of the symptoms to warrant a test. Check with your doctor concerning which ones they recommend for your care.

What Not to Do Before a Woman Wellness Exam?
Getting a pelvic exam is an important part of a women’s wellness exam. This screening test is the most accurate way to check for early signs of cervical cancer or HPV. Many doctors recommend that you prepare well for this by not only using vaginal creams or douches but also not engaging in any intercourse. Doing any of these things could obscure abnormal cells and prevent your doctor from giving you a complete pap smear test.
Besides coming prepared with questions concerning your health, it’s also important to be prepared with other vital information to share with your doctor. You must know your family medical history, bring a list of current medications and supplements you use, and provide them with your comprehensive medical history. Be sure to keep track of the start date of your menstrual cycle and when you first started experiencing menopause symptoms.
Why is National Women’s Health Week Important?
National Women’s Health Week is acknowledged to remind women and girls to make their health a priority. During this week, females of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to engage in healthy practices, access preventive care, and share their health stories to inspire others in their journey. If you feel you haven’t been taking care of your health as you should, take this week to schedule a women’s wellness exam, exercise more, or eat healthier. It’s time we take control of our health not only during this week but throughout every time of the year.
How do you plan to take control of your health during National Women’s Health Week? Share some aspects of your health, whether it’s physical or mental, that you need to work on in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next woman you know.