Freelance Health Insurance Writer and Women's Health Blogger

Why we need each other when dealing with stress

As brought out in a recent article, stress is an epidemic that seems to befall upon everyone, young and old alike.  Whether it is a health scare or financial problems, we all are confronted with it.  That’s why it is vital that we don’t isolate ourselves from one another.  By doing this, we will be seeking our own selfish longing.

     We must be there for each other when we see our friends going through problems such as health ailments, a death in the family, or the loss of a job.  Look for practical ways to assist our friends in the challenges they’re facing.  This involves being sympathetic and empathetic when speaking to them.

We must be there for each other when we are going through so much stress.

    Stress could make us resort to “wild talk” sometimes.  But that doesn’t mean it’s okay to kick each other when we’re down.  We must be a source of comfort for one another.  This involves being swift about hearing, slow about speaking.  Every person needs a friend who will listen to them.  So lift our brothers and sisters when they are down.  Catch them when they fall.

         Even if you don’t know exactly what to say to comfort someone, it’s more than enough to be there for them.  Be there for that person as a shoulder to cry on.  Hold their hand or give them a hug.  Let them know that you’re here for them and that you care about them.  We’re all going through stress in these last days.  But it’s important that we help each other cope with it.  If you have anything you want to share on this topic, please leave a comment below.  Otherwise, please feel free to like this week’s post or subscribe to my blog.  Have a good stress-free weekend!

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