When you start to develop a migraine, an instant sharp pain begins to come over you. This pain is so excruciating that it affects your ability to function. But have you ever start to experience one during these summer months? The humid weather of the season could sometimes trigger migraines. Let’s learn how you can enjoy the season without having to deal with those severe headaches.

Why Summer Weather Trigger Migraines?
Several factors can cause migraines to occur during these dog days of summer. For starters, you have to consider the extreme weather as playing a role. Hot temperatures can cause chemical imbalances to occur in the brain. The sunlight glare could cause severe throbbing pain to develop in your head. Besides extreme heat, high humidity and dry air could also bring about migraines. Some people who have experienced migraines are normally sensitive to changes in weather.
Enjoy the Season without Those Migraines
Once you understand what may be triggering your summer migraines, it will get easier for you to start making choices for your health. Here are some practical steps to avoiding those serious headaches during these summer months:
- Protect your Eyes– The longer you stay in the sun, the more it will irritate your eyes causing another migraine. Invest in some good-quality sunglasses such as contoured FL-41 tinted Migraine glasses that will keep that glare away from your eyes.
- Avoid Long Periods in the Heat– If you enjoy outdoor sports, be sure to not over-exert yourself in the heat. Try engaging in these fun activities during the early morning or sunset hours. For exercising routines, consider moving these activities indoors.
- Be Selective in your Picnic Foods– Certain foods could trigger migraines. This is why you must be careful in selecting your picnic foods. Avoid alcohol or hot dogs with everything on them. Go for foods that can help build up your body’s defense system against migraines. Some good examples are grilled salmon, salads, or ginger ale.
- Always Stay Hydrated– The number one way in avoiding those migraines is to always stay hydrated. On those extremely hot days, we must continue to drink water as much as possible. Be sure you’re increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables as well.
Follow these tips in avoiding a painful summer season.
Key Takeaways to Avoiding Migraines
If you are prone to getting those pesky severe headaches during the summer months, taking care of yourself is the key. Triggers such as eating and drinking the wrong kinds of foods and drinks, not drinking enough water, and even getting inadequate sleep can easily be controlled. However, you should also monitor the weather forecast and seasonal changes that may occur. Doing all of these things will help you avoid those summer migraine blues.
Do you find yourself getting migraines a lot during the summer? Share your tips in alleviating this pain in the comments section below. As always, feel free to share or like this informative post with someone you care about.