Our feet- wouldn’t you agree that they are two of the most important parts of our bodies? We need them to walk, run, jump, play, etc. We certainly shouldn’t take them for granted.
However, did you know that the appearance of your feet can reveal signs of your health? Sometimes, the symptoms of your feet can be a sign of certain health problems. Let’s take a look at analyzing these common foot symptoms and what they say about your overall health.

Large, Swollen Toes
The first common foot symptom is the development of large, swollen toes. If you have been experiencing signs of this, it’s possible it could be gout. Gout is an arthritic illness that affects the joints with pain and swelling. The main risk factor for this condition is consuming too many foods that are high in purine.
A doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief or suggest a low purine diet. However, there are a lot of natural remedies for which you can treat gout at home.
Pitted Toenails
If your toenails have little pits or white patches on them, this could be a sign of nail psoriasis. Most people who have this condition also have skin psoriasis. However, five percent of people with nail psoriasis aren’t affected elsewhere. Good nail care such as trimming and cleaning can treat this condition. Topical medication that is usually used for skin psoriasis can also be used for nail psoriasis.
Spoon-shaped Toenails
Did you know that spoon-shaped toenails, also known as koilonychia, are signs of a health condition? This appearance of your toenails can indicate signs of anemia or possibly lupus. This could also indicate signs of Raynaud’s disease, which affects the blood supply to the fingers and toes. If you’ve been experiencing these types of toe symptoms, talk to a medical professional to get the exact cause and a blood test.
Dry, flaky Feet
We all experience this problem. I’m talking about dryness on our feet. But what if after using several moisturizers, you continue to have this type of problem? This could be a sign of possible thyroid problems. Dry skin could indicate that the thyroid gland, which is at the base of the neck, is damaged or malfunctioning. So if you’re dealing with severely dry, flaky feet, contact your doctor to see if it has something to do with your thyroid.
These are some of the common symptoms of your feet and how these symptoms could impact your health. If you’ve been experiencing any of these feet problems, visit your doctor immediately. It’s time we all are aware of what’s going on with our overall health.
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