Daily Bible reading is vital to our spiritual well-being. In a world that is so corrupted these days, we do need God’s Word to keep us spiritually sound. However, we also need it for our emotional and mental well-being. How does God’s Word benefit us in these ways? In this special blog post this week in honor of the Memorial of Christ’s Death, let’s dig deep into how reading and examining the scriptures daily brings us so many benefits.

Daily Bible Reading Gives you Scriptures for Meditation
One of the beautiful things about daily Bible reading is that by reading the scriptures carefully, you’ll find yourself thinking about what you’re reading. This is known as meditation. This involves you pondering deeply about what Jehovah is telling us and why this information is important to our lives. When reading a few chapters in a Bible book, be sure to ask yourself the following questions: What does this scriptural account tell me about Jehovah? How can I apply it in my daily life? How can I use it to help others? Asking and answering questions like these could help you to get more out of what you’re reading.
The Bible gives you Peace of Mind
When reading the Bible, it could give you peace of mind. If you’re dealing with any personal issues, you can find comfort in God’s Word. We’re all dealing with depression and other mental health problems that could rob our personal lives. A lot of people have turned to the Bible in helping them deal with suicidal thoughts. The scripture found in 2 Corinthians 7:6 shows that Jehovah could comfort those who are downhearted. If you start having any sort of negative feelings, you can turn to Jehovah and his insightful words from the Bible in giving you much-needed peace.
It keeps you grounded
The principles found in the Bible are here to keep you grounded. They are here to guide you in the right direction of life. Not allowing their lives to be guided by Bible principles has caused many to feel emotionally lost. They start to have no sense of direction and start doing all sorts of questionable things in life. But reading the Bible daily will give them the ability to distinguish what’s right and what’s wrong. It’ll help them develop morals and stay grounded in an immoral world.
Studying makes you Strong
Daily Bible reading and meditation not only give you peace of mind and keeps you grounded. It also makes you a strong person. Just like a tree that’s planted by a river stream. Studying makes you strong. This involves meditating on the scriptures and doing some deep research on what you’re reading from our other resources such as the Watchtower Online Library or the JW Library App. Deep studying allows you to not only transfer knowledge into your mind but into your heart as well. This will move you to want to apply what you’re learning in your life.
So daily Bible reading could give you lots of benefits to your mental health and well-being. It gives you peace of mind, keeps you grounded, and makes you strong. So as you engage in your Bible reading for our upcoming Memorial, may it benefit you not only during this time of the year but throughout the year.
Of course, while you’re engaging in your daily Bible reading, you may want to have a schedule to help you stay organized. Why not do it on the go with my Daily Bible Reading Tracker Template? Get my free digital Notion Bible Reading schedule here. Leave a comment in the box below and as always, be sure to like or share this post with anyone you care.