This week, I’m taking a break from talking about the usual women’s health issues. Instead, I will be discussing one of the most precious gifts given to us in the world. This gift is none other than God’s ransom sacrifice of his dear son Jesus Christ. On April 15, 2022, me and my dear friends from all over the world will be commemorating the death of the greatest man who ever lived. One of the most important aspects of commemorating it is meditating about his loving ransom sacrifice. What does it truly mean to us? What benefits do we receive by meditating on his ransom sacrifice? Let’s examine these questions further.

Draw Close to him and his Dear Father
When we deeply meditate on this precious gift, it causes us to draw closer to Jesus and his heavenly Father, Jehovah. The ransom sacrifice helps us to deeply appreciate all that they have done for us. Jehovah allowed his precious Son to give his life for us so that we may live. This is shown in the Bible scripture at 1 John 4:19. Because of this ransom gift, we now have the prospect of everlasting life. Who wouldn’t want to live forever?
We might think as imperfect humans that we may not be worthy of having someone sacrifice his life for us. But despite our imperfections, we can still enjoy a close relationship with Jehovah and Jesus by means of this ransom sacrifice.
The Ransom Gives Us Hope for the Future
Because of our Lord giving his life as a ransom sacrifice, we are also able to meditate on a hopeful future. This future involves true blessings that will come our way soon. Many of us have lost a loved one in death. I have lost many dear friends and family, the biggest one being my earthly father. However, because of this ransom gift, we all could see our loved ones again.
Our God Jehovah never intended for people to die. His original purpose was for people to live forever. This is why he promises in 1 Cor. 15:26 to bring death to nothing. If we exercise faith, or show appreciation for this ransom, we can welcome our dead loved ones in the near future.
How Can We Show Appreciation for the Ransom?
You’re probably asking, “How do we show we appreciate this gift that Jehovah has given us?” There are a couple of ways we can do this. One way is continuing to work on ourselves by resisting temptations. When we are tempted to do bad things, we must develop the courage to say “No.” As imperfect humans, it could sometimes be hard to stand up against things we know are wrong. However, if we pray to Jehovah to help us, we can be successful in fighting any hurdles.
Another way to show appreciation is to show genuine love for our brothers and sisters, but also people in general. We pray for people going through a hard time. We help our brothers and sisters when they are enduring personal trials. We’re praying for our brothers and sisters in the country of Ukraine right now. We strive to forgive one another and not hold a grudge. These are some of the best ways we can express appreciation for the ransom.
Continue to Meditate on this Gift
As we all get together this Friday to celebrate the greatest act of love that was ever shown, let’s take some time out of our busy lives to reflect on it. Show appreciation for the ransom sacrifice by striving to live our lives the way Jehovah and Jesus would want us to live. Help our brothers and sisters endure a personal trial, such as a health problem or an economic issue. Pray for anyone you know going through a hard time, whether it is a co-worker or schoolmate. Freely forgive one another because that is what Jehovah will want us to do.
Share your thoughts and expressions about Christ’s ransom sacrifice in the comments section below. Be sure to like or share this post with someone you love and care about. Enjoy your Memorial!
So proud of you Brandi for writing such a splendid article about the ransom of our savior Jesus Christ and how we can show our heartfelt appreciate for what Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ so lovingly provided for us as sinful humans.Until you have lost some one that you really really love in death can you understand the pain and deep lost that our father Jehovah felt when his son died. Jehovah never intended for us to die and he never wanted his dear children to have to endure watching our wives husbands children mothers brothers sisters and relatives suffer thru a painful death. I personally know that Jehovah loves us he loves Janice Darryl Welton and all who have serve him faithfully thru out the years. He know our pain because he lost a son as well. So everyone thank Jehovah and Jesus for providing the ransom appreciate it deeply meditate on how it will undo all the pain suffering and sadness that the devil brings into all our lives in these last days of this wicked world. But rest assured that soon Jehovah will satisfy the desires of all creation by making the earth a paradise and forever doing away with sickness and death,all because he provided the greatest Gift ever given to humans the RANSOM.
Thank you so much Uncle Pierre. I am certainly praying for you during this difficult time right now. Always remember that God’s righteous new world is just around the corner.