Freelance Natural Healthcare Writer and Women's Health Blogger

Protect your Eyesight by Monitoring your Screen Time

During this pandemic, we are on our phones, computers, or laptops more than ever thanks to video conferencing apps like Zoom.  However, we must maintain a sense of balance when it comes to screen time.  While our tech gadgets have become sources of survival, we do have our eyesight to protect.  Here are a few tips to protect your eyes and mind from incessant screen time.

Set a Schedule for Yourself

One of the best ways to be balanced in how often you use your phones and other tech gadgets is to try setting a schedule.  Monitor how often you use these devices.  Set a specific amount of time for using your computer and a certain amount for using your phone.  Spending all day and night on these gadgets would affect not only your eyesight but your sleeping habits as well.  By putting together a schedule, this will keep from developing these habits.  Develop a schedule for your children’s screen time viewing as well.

Adjust your Screen Lighting

Sometimes, adjusting the brightness of the screen could go a long way, too.  Many people work on computer screens that are too bright.  It could also be the types of lighting you have around your computer or laptop.  Try adjusting the lighting on your computer or laptop screen to reduce glare.  Also, consider using natural lighting instead of fluorescent lighting in your workspace. 

Reduce Screen time to Protect your Brain

I’ve read in an article that becoming too addicted to technology could damage the brain’s frontal lobe.  One good way to protect not only your eyesight but your brain’s health is to increase exposure to outside nature.  More exposure to sunlight and nature helps lower stress, reduces attention deficit symptoms, and enhance your overall mental health.  Taking a break from your phone or the computer and going outside is good for you and your mood.

Improve your Posture

Another important thing is the state of your posture when you are using your devices.  This is one thing that I’m guilty of and that is not keeping my head up when using my phone.  Most people sit hunched over their computer and this could affect not only their eyes but their back or neck.  Try placing something under your monitor to raise it higher.  You could also raise your phone a little more so that you could look straight ahead.

When you feel you are becoming too consumed with your phone, or you feel your eyes are a little “Zoomed” out, take a little time to step away from your beloved devices.  It will do your mind good and your eyes good.

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