Besides Alzheimer’s and Brain Health, this month of June also marks National Safety Month. Being safe in this insecure world is vital for ourselves and our families. Whether it is protecting ourselves from COVID-19 or protecting our children from suspicious people, we all could take valuable steps to lower our danger risks. Here are four tips you can take action in keeping yourselves, your family, and your environment safe.
Keep Your Workplace Safe
Keeping yourself and your co-workers safe is a must as well. In 2020, there have been more than four million workplace injuries that required medical attention in the U.S. This is quite alarming and companies must do better to keep the workplace injury-free. Employees could do their part by identifying potential hazards and assessing risks. They could strive to reduce slips, trips, and falls in a work area such as a building site.

Parents Protect your Children from Safety Risks
Being a parent today is tougher than ever these days. You have to protect your children offline and online. There are so many child predators out there willing to take advantage of children. Parents must never leave their children alone with an adult they hardly know. Share with them some key tips for staying safe and healthy when they go to school. Coming up with a checklist for their children will be helpful.
They can also safeguard their children when they’re outside playing in a playground or a pool. Nearly 80% of playground injuries result in children having skinned knees. Parents can reduce this from happening by familiarizing themselves with the safety risks involved in these areas. They must also familiarize themselves with water safety tips. Protecting their children from drowning or near-drowning risks is vital even when they’re in a bathtub.
Keep an Updated First Aid Kit and To-Go Bag
You always have to prepare you and your family for the unexpected to occur. That’s why having an updated emergency first aid kit and to-go bag is essential. Make sure you stock your kit with dressings, bandages, tape, ointments, wipes, aspirin, gloves, scissors, and gauze pads. If your ointments and medications have expired, be sure to renew these when you can. Check your emergency to-go bag and make sure that it is stocked with all the necessary things you need for survival.
These are just a few of the most common safety tips that sometimes we have to be reminded about. There are plenty more but we could just keep it at these three. Whether you’re at work, a parent trying to protect your child, or updating your first aid kit, never underestimate the importance of staying safe and healthy.
In what ways are you trying to keep you and your family safe during this month and beyond? Leave a comment about this in the section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with someone you care about.