During the winter season, certain parts of our bodies experience dryness and “ashiness.” One of those areas is our lips. There are plenty of brands out there formulated to save us from cracked, dry lips. One in particular that I used (and used to dislike) is Carmex. Many other people use Blistex and other well-known chapstick brands. While it isn’t wrong with using these products, there are some natural home remedies you may try in keep your lips moist and soft. Here are a few of these natural ways to keeping your lips healthy without chapstick.

Home Remedies for Dry Lips in Winter
There are various natural remedies you can try at home for keeping your lips moist and soft. Some of them you probably already knew are good for lip health. A few of them you probably didn’t know. Some are foods you may eat every day.
Sugar Exfoliation
Making a homemade sugar scrub is a great way to relieve dryness on your lips. You can also exfoliate your lips by using a toothbrush to remove dead skin cells. But a sugar scrub consisting of sugar, coconut oil, or honey will help if you have dry, flaky lips. Just mix one tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of honey or coconut oil. Gently apply the scrub to your lips. Rub your lips in a circular motion for a minute. Wipe off the excess amount when you’re done. Apply some petroleum jelly or coconut oil to restore moisture.
Coconut Oil
Speaking of coconut oil, it’s another must-have home remedy for your lips. I use coconut oil to moisturize my face often. It also works great at moisturizing lips because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Coconut oil can help relieve the pain and discomfort of having chapped, cracked lips. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, its antibacterial components help keep your lips germ-free and you won’t have to worry about getting an infection.
You could use honey in place of coconut oil with the sugar exfoliation. However, it’s another home remedy to use on your dry lips during the winter. Honey is a humectant that pulls moisture from the air to keep your lips soft. It’s also known for its ability to heal sores and its antibacterial properties. Just use one of your clean fingers or a cotton swab to put a thin layer on your lips. Let the honey sit for 20 to 30 minutes and wipe it off.
Aloe Vera
This moisturizing gel which comes from a plant I’ve talked about in a previous post helps keep your lips hydrated. Aloe vera contains molecules called polysaccharides, which helps moisture stay on the surface of your skin. These molecules also help cold sores to heal quickly.
You Can Stop Chapped Lips without Chapstick
There are plenty of natural home remedies out there to keep your lips moist and soft. So before you reach for that chapstick, you may want to try a different remedy from your kitchen cabinet or medicine cabinet instead.
Do you have any at-home remedies for your dry lips? Feel free to share what other items you use to keep your lips soft. As always, be sure to like or share this post with a gal pal you care about.