Freelance Health Insurance Writer and Women's Health Blogger

How to cope when your loved one falls sick

It’s never easy to see someone you love, like a family member, become stricken to a fatal illness.  The older we get, the more likely we are going to succumb to illnesses such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.  When a person succumbs to these conditions, they become a shell of what they once were.  It pains any family member to see that person become physically ravaged by these conditions.  They may ask, “What are the best ways to coping with a loved one’s illness?”  Here are a few ways we could do so.

     The first way is to definitely educate yourself on the medical condition your loved one is dealing with.  My family and I have been educating ourselves about my aunt’s frontotemporal dementia condition.  By educating yourself, it keeps you well informed about the stages of your family member’s illness.  Ask the right specific questions to their doctor if you’re confused about something.  Try writing them down in advance before your next meeting with the doctor.  Being informed helps minimize the mental and emotional impact of a chronic illness.

Don’t be afraid to ask your loved one’s doctor the right questions.

     The second way of coping is continuing to maintain a normal quality of life for your loved one.  You want your loved one to still enjoy life despite their condition.  Depending on the nature of their illness, many can still appreciate beautiful sights and sounds.  A father explains that his family loves the outdoors, but because of his son’s limitations, they don’t go on hiking trips.  So they instead find less strenuous outdoor activities.

     The third way is to confide in someone when dealing with feelings of stress.  Many have found opening up to a compassionate and understanding person to be a good way to cope.  One woman who has taken care of her mother and later her husband has found this to be the case.  She says it has become a source of relief and comfort for her when she could speak with caring friends.  One woman has says that it has helped her keep her balance.

     The last and fourth important way to cope is to maintain a positive attitude.  Although the situation can easily make you negative, you have to focus on the bright side of it all.  Share memories in a photo album with your loved one.  Focus on the things they can still do while they’re still here.  Many say laughter is the best medicine and that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Humor helps prevent a spirit of pessimism.

     Coping with a loved one stricken with a condition is not easy, but with help from medical professionals, family and friends, you can certainly do just that.  Have a sick loved one you help take care of?  Please feel free to share your experiences in the comments section below.  

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