I recently listened to an episode of a podcast on iHeart Radio. It had an interesting topic about how revisiting our nostalgic favorites, whether it’s a TV show, music, or movie, can help manage anxiety. Do you have a favorite old TV show that eases your stress? Perhaps there’s a favorite old-school artist that you admire whose music always makes you feel good? Our nostalgic favorites could do that to us.

Benefits of Revisiting the Past
Nostalgia could benefit our mental health in various ways. It could be a form of escapism from our day-to-day problems and issues. But some of its other benefits include:
- Boosts mood.
- Helps improve relationships with people.
- Leads to much-needed inspiration and motivation.
- Helps improve problem-solving skills.
I fully understand how nostalgia could boosts mood. I could even see it causing people to become inspired by something. However, I never thought of revisiting your old favorites as a great way to help improve in solving problems. This just shows that sometimes it’s okay to take a trip down memory lane.
Benefits Dementia Patients
The next interesting thing to highlight is nostalgia impact on dementia patients. Exhibiting nostalgic memories could build plenty of psychological resources for a person dealing with this condition. Research in a 2018 issue of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease state that some of these psychological resources include social connectedness, optimism, self-esteem, and meaning in life, among others. Nostalgic memories help connect your past to your present self. As a result, you start to build a stronger sense of identity.
Why too much Nostalgia isn’t good
Nostalgia has its benefits. But that doesn’t mean it’s always okay to relive your past. Too much nostalgia could cause you to run away from your responsibilities or reality. Spending too much time reminiscing could prevent you from living your life. That’s why it’s beneficial to be balanced in doing this. Try using lessons from the past to solve your problems today. If you start feeling thoughts of anxiety, try reminiscing about a positive memory that made you felt hopeful about achieving success.
We all have old favorites or memories we like to reminisce about. May those experiences boosts your mood, manage your anxiety, and inspire you to create a better future for yourself. What nostalgic memories help you cope with anxiety? Feel free to share in the comments section below. As always, please like or share this post with someone you love.