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How Coconut Oil could help in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease

Coconut oil is a good nutritional food for Alzheimer’s victims

I’ve been lately reading an interesting book I’ve bought last year entitled, “The Coconut Oil Miracle.” Certified nutrionist Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D. touches on how this natural elixir has mold the coconut into a “superfood.” Some of its benefits he writes is that it promotes weight loss, helps prevent heart disease, and cancer, just to name a few. But another benefit of this natural remedy is its effect on the mental illness Alzheimer’s disease. We’re going to examine that in this article.

Because of the obvious signs of severe memory lapses, the Alzheimer’s brain shows a high degree of degeneration, plaque formation, and damage. The book touches on the main problem with the disease being the brain lack of effectively utilizing glucose, or blood sugar, to produce energy. This defect starves the brain cells and weakens its ability to withstand stress. It rapidly ages and degenerates into dementia.

The brain is the most metabolically active organ in the body that requires a continual source of energy to maintain function. Fortunately, there are certain fats for this called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These are converted into ketones in the body regardless of what other foods are eaten. In clinical studies, a diet that contains MCTs have produced better results in Alzheimer’s patients than any other treatment currently known to medical science.

Coconut oil has become the source of the MCTs in studies on Alzheimer’s. The book mentions that consuming as little as 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil can raise blood ketone levels to therapeutic levels. Ketones are used up to produce energy and repeating this dosage three times a day could help maintain elevated ketone levels.

While adding coconut oil could certainly help in improving brain health, it can slow down Alzheimer’s alone. The health of our brains also depends heavily on maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. By combining all of these things, there’s a good possibility you could stop Alzheimer’s in its tracks. In addition to “The Coconut Oil Miracle,” Fife also produced another book entitled, “Stop Alzheimer’s Now!” which shows people how to use coconut oil with a brain-enhancing diet to successfully combat Alzheimer’s. You could find these at your local library, bookstore or via online at

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