Ever since the coronavirus illness was declared a national pandemic, many businesses worldwide have closed down. The only ones that have been open are grocery stores, pharmacies and hospitals, just to name a few. But while you’re grocery shopping, it’s very important that we be selective in what we’re buying. It’s still important that we maintain healthy eating habits. This means buying the right food items for our fridge and pantry. Here are the essential things to buy while we’re in the middle of this pandemic.
Fruits & Vegetables
I know this sounds basic, but now is not the time to take our fruits and veggies for granted. We need these foods for our vitamin intake. We need these foods to be balanced nutritionally. So be sure you’re stocking up well in your basic fruits and veggies. These foods are also great in giving the immune system a boost. Look to sweet potatoes, spinach and broccoli in keeping that system strong.
When dealing with a national emergency like this, you have to make you’re hydrated. Buying pop or juice will not do that for you. The ultimate hydrating beverage is none other than water. When you have a sore throat, you need water to lubricate and moistened it. Water is our lifeline in keeping our bodies healthy, especially during these perilous times.
Lean Proteins

Another must have in the fridge are healthy proteins like fish. Fish is one of the most nutritional proteins to have while you’re in quarantine. It has heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2. It is rich in calcium and a great source of minerals. Buy some salmon, tilapia or cod and make yourself a healthy dinner tonight.
Miscellaneous: Healthy Snacks, Beans and Oats
Of course, we must not lose sight of buying other nutritional must-haves like beans, oats and dark chocolate. Nuts are good snacks to have that are loaded with the healthy fats. Be sure to buy some dried fruits like raisins, cranberries and figs that are a sweet source of iron, fiber and antioxidants.
Another good thing to know is to not resort to hoarding on these items. Be sure to buy what you need in increments at a time. For more information on other foods you need for the fridge or the pantry, check out this article “Grocery rules for your coronavirus lockdown: Buy beans, freeze milk, don’t hoard, and more.” As always, like, share or leave a comment below.