Freelance Natural Healthcare Writer and Women's Health Blogger

Who is Eligible for COVID-19 Booster Shots? Here’s What you Need to Know

We have been hearing quite a bit about possible booster shots for COVID-19.  These shots are recommended for people who have received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines at least 6 months ago.  They are a part of this country’s ongoing fight against this disease.  However, what are the other requirements for getting a booster shot? … Continue Reading

How to Help your Child Deal with Bullying in School

This month acknowledges Bullying Prevention and it has become a widespread problem for many young children. Whether it’s physical bullying or cyberbullying, this type of abuse could leave some psychological consequences for a young person.  If you’re a parent who has a child dealing with incessant teasing and abuse from other children, you are not… Continue Reading

Top 4 Mental Illnesses Inflicting Women in their 30s and 40s

This week, we bring attention to the many mental illnesses that are affecting many Americans today.  Various conditions such as depression and bipolar disorder have caused many to have difficulties functioning in their everyday lives.  In acknowledgment of Mental Illness Awareness Week, I am going to discuss four of the most common conditions affecting women… Continue Reading

How Discouragement Affects our Overall Well-being

I just recently watched an informative online video about discouragement.  Discouragement is known as having feelings of unhappiness or worthlessness.  It brings our whole world down.  A person who is always discouraged thinks and acts negatively.  They also bring others down with them.  This personality change could cause a person’s health to be in jeopardy. … Continue Reading

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