This past Sunday, we all have to undergo the ritual of setting our clocks back an hour. This is known as daylight savings time. During this time, our days of sunlight are shorter, impacting many people’s sleep patterns. Many people have reported greater sleep loss during the weeks after DST. This time at the beginning of November has a way causing a lack of energy in people due to sleep problems. You probably wondering, “There’s got to be an easier way to get some good sleep at night during DST time.” Have no fear because here are some tips to improve your sleep during this time change.
How Daylight Savings Time Affects your Sleep?
As was mentioned earlier, daylight savings time has a way of throwing people off their sleeping habits. It could also throw off our body’s internal clock, otherwise known as our circadian rhythm. This is responsible for determining our sleep-wake cycle. Circadian rhythm is controlled by clock genes and determines the daily fluctuations of wakefulness, body metabolism, and body healing. When setting our clocks back an hour, we have to also be prepared to reset our circadian rhythm.
How Can We Do This?
We can go about doing this by taking some different measures in changing our sleeping habits. If you’re having problems with sleeping during this time, follow these tips in having a better night’s sleep:
- Go to bed earlier.
- Get out of bed if you can’t sleep after 20 minutes.
- Exercise a few hours before bedtime.
- Avoid napping during the day.
- Create relaxing bedtime rituals.
- Expose yourself to the light during the day as much as possible.
- Avoid the use of electronics before bedtime.

Going to bed a little early will help us in adjusting our sleeping patterns. Napping during the day will cause us to feel wakeful when it is time to sleep. Creating a routine before we go to bed such as reading or journaling will help our brains relax.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep During Daylight Savings Time
Getting a good night’s sleep every night isn’t easy, but it could be done. Adjustments have to be made when sleeping during this time. If we follow the above suggestions of going to bed earlier, creating a routine before going to bed, or exposing ourselves to daylight as much as possible, we will be taking the needed steps in improving our sleeping habits. So sleep tight this winter season and don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Have some interesting tips for sleeping well during daylight savings time? Please share them in the comments section below. Also, like or share this post with someone you know who hasn’t been sleeping well lately.