Many people across America are experiencing some sort of mental health disease. Sometimes the things we say around them could make a big emotional impact. People dealing with any mental health are fragile human beings. If we don’t watch our words, it may have a lasting effect on them. What are some examples of things we must avoid saying? Here are a few good examples.
How about we start with the first common saying, “Get over yourself”? It doesn’t sound right to tell a person who is going through depression or a nervous breakdown this sort of thing. By saying this, we are implying that this person is just acting and don’t really have an illness.

Another phrase not to use is “Stop looking for attention.” I’ve heard of some people accuse a person with a mental disease of doing this sort of thing. This will definitely be a wrong way to seek some sort of attention. So don’t think a person is acting mentally sick so that more people could pay attention to him.
Another one I’ve heard of is “It sounds like you are going crazy.” You don’t want to call a person experiencing a mental disease “crazy.” It is considered very cruel. People dealing with any sort of mental condition are sick, but not out of their mind. We must treat them like any other sick person.
I’ve heard of these sayings and other common words on another infographic from the one you see in this article. It’s very interesting to look at. For more information on this infographic, visit Do yourself a favor and watch your words.