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Four Neat Exercises to do if you have a Stability Ball

Exercise is very vital for your health and your well-being.  It helps in coping with stress, depression or the loss of a loved one. This is why I discovered an interesting article on the Self magazine website about exercising to strengthen your core muscles.  The article touches four exercises you could do with a stability ball, which is something I happen to have at home.  Here are those core-strengthening exercises you could do if you own a stability ball.

The first exercise for you to try is the oblique crunch.  This exercise is basically similar to stomach crunches.  It involves you placing the stability ball underneath your knees with your legs resting on top of the ball.  With your legs placed on the ball, put your hands behind your head and your elbows wide and crunch up to the center.  Rotate to the left and bring your right elbow toward your left leg. Rotate back to the center, keeping your abs engaged the entire time.  Lower your body back to starting position, stopping when your shoulder blades touch the floor. Do 8 reps on each side.

Stability ball is a great tool in giving your body balance and strengthening your core muscles.

The next exercise to look into is the plank rock.  This move involves you being in a plank position while leaning forward on your ball.  It’s a good way to engage your abs, glutes and quads while balancing your body.  You could continue this exercise for 30-45 seconds. To make it easier, simply hold plank position on the ball for 30-45 seconds (no rocking).

The third exercise move to try with your ball is the ball pass. It involves lying on your back, extending your arms and legs upward and passing the ball between your feet and hands.  This is another core-strengthening exercise that allows you to engage the abs.  It seems a little complicated, but an exciting move to try in your spare time. Do 8 reps.

The last move to try is the pike-up.  This move involves you raising your butt up while resting your shins on the ball and making sure the hands are stacked directly underneath your shoulders.  Move as slowly as you need to and focus on keeping your entire body, and specifically your core, engaged. This will help you stay stable and move with control.  Do 8 reps with this move.

For more information on the steps for each exercise, check out the article, “4-Move Stability Ball Workout to strengthen your Core,” on the Self magazine website,  I think I’m going to try these exercises myself!

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