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Five Non-Meat Foods that have more iron than Meat

Iron is an essential nutrient in our diet.  Iron deficiency causes several harmful effects in our body such as reduction in oxygen-carrying red blood cells, which can also lead to anemia.  But if you consume foods such as chicken, lamb and beef, you will be getting a rich source of iron.  However, are there some non-meat foods that contain a nice amount of iron?  Actually, yes.  There are several non-meat foods that have more iron than meat.  Here is a list of five foods that contain a rich source of iron.

Spinach is one of the foods beneficial to your health.

     The first one is a vegetarian food called lentils.  Along with iron, they are also rich in potassium, dietary fiber and protein.  You can make soup from it or add them in salads.  So be sure to add lentils as your weeknight dinner choice.

     The second food that is a good source of iron is kale.  Its green leaves have abundant iron, and it should preferably be part of your routine diet.  Leaves of kale enhance the taste of your salads, while also making them more nutritious.  You could also bake kale and make them into kale chips.  There are also other recipes online where you could cook with kale.

     The third food is a Chinese cabbage called bok choy.  It consists of smooth leaves with sharp blades.  Its green color supplies this vegetable plenty of iron.  Chinese people realized about the medicinal properties of bok choy centuries ago, and even now this vegetable is used in China as a medicinal plant.

     The fourth food is sesame seeds.  They contain abundant iron that helps in maintaining your daily nutritional requirements.  A small dosage of sesame seeds in your daily diet can do wonders for improving iron content.  Sprinkle them in salads, salsa or sauces.

     The fifth and last food is spinach.  This green leafy vegetable tops the list of iron-rich meat-less foods.  It can be consumed in different ways such as in salads or sautéed.  Making it a daily part of your diet is highly advisable.

     Putting foods in your diet rich with iron is essential for your health.  So be sure to consume these nutritional foods everyday to be on the road to a happier, healthier you.  For more information on these type of foods, visit

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