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Five Dangerous Plants You Don’t Want in Your Backyard

There are a lot of things in life that are considered dangerous for you.  They could be certain foods.  They could even be certain things in your own home.  But did you know that certain plants are considered dangerous?  Yes, if you have a house with a nice, large backyard, you may want to avoid buying these following plants.


You see them all the time growing within the grass in the summertime.  But did you know that it is dangerous to ingest daffodils?  Ingesting in one can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.  The bulb of this plant contains oxalates, which can burn and irritate the tongue and digestive tract.  So it will benefit you to don’t do these things around daffodils.


If you handle tulips regularly, you will develop signs of an allergic reaction.

The bulb of this plant is very poisonous to your health.  It can cause distressing symptoms of stomach upset, heart palpitations, weakness, and sweating.  If you handle them regularly, you may develop signs of an allergic reaction to a chemical called tuliposide in the plant. 


While they are indeed beautiful flowers, hydrangeas can be poisonous to both humans and animals when ingested.  Cats and dogs who chew on the plants may suffer stomach distress, loss of appetite, and rapid heart rate.  Cyanogenic glycosides in this plant could even cause depression.

American Pokeweeds

This plant contains colorful berries, making it look attractive to most people.  However, Poison Control cautions you to never eat these berries.  If you ingest them, this can result in bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, stomach pain, and low blood pressure.  Nobody wants to go through those symptoms.


The stalk of rhubarb may be used in desert, but the leaves are high in oxalic acid, which can cause kidney problems.  If you consume a large number of these leaves, this can kill you.  You must be wary of the leaves on a rhubarb plant.

So these are just some of the plants you might want to think twice before putting them in your backyard.  What other plants do you know that contain potentially fatal parts?  Feel free to leave a comment below.

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2 Responses to Five Dangerous Plants You Don’t Want in Your Backyard

    • Hello,
      I can’t recall any problems off hand with other browsers. But then again, I never used my website on other browsers other than Chrome. I don’t have any tips on that right now. But if I find some good ones, I’ll let you know. I appreciate your compliments on my website.

      Brandi Walker

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