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Five Common Causes of Nosebleeds

We all have experienced this – when you touch your nose, you all of a sudden discover a trickle of blood coming out.  This is known as a nosebleed.  There are several reasons why a nosebleed occurs and not all of them are serious.  Most of us know how to stop a nosebleed- pinch your nose with a tissue and tilt back to avoid the extra flow of blood to the veins inside your nose.  But do you know some of the causes of nosebleeds?  Here are five common causes we have experienced from this condition.  Knowing the causes can help you both prevent nosebleeds and recognize when you might need to contact your doctor.

     The first common one is nose picking.  We all have been guilty of engaging in this activity.  If your nasal passages have become dry, it may be tempting to pick at the crust that forms the membranes.  A good way to keep your nasal membranes moist would be to use an over-the-counter saline spray or gel.  Also, be sure to keep those fingers away from your nose.

     The second common cause is certain nonprescription and prescription medications.  Anticoagulants such as aspirin, ibuprofen, heparin, and warfarin thin the blood and can cause bleeding.  Over-the-counter drugs such as antihistamines dry out the nasal passages, which can cause irritation and bleeding.  Nasal steroid sprays used to treat allergies can themselves be irritating to the nasal linings and cause nosebleeds.

     Do you know that being pregnant could lead to nosebleeds?  The rampant hormones of pregnancy causes nosebleeds to occur.  Several good ways to prevent nosebleeds from occurring are drinking plenty of water, using a humidifier in your home, and using saline nasal sprays.  Also, getting plenty of rest and taking time for relaxation will help minimize the emotional stress that can contribute to nosebleeds.

     The fourth common cause comes from sinus infections and common colds.  Sinus infections are painful and can cause inflammation of your nasal cavities and mucosa.  As the lining of your nasal passages becomes irritated, it can bleed.  To decrease trauma to your nasal passages, cover your nose with a tissue and gently blow through both sides at the same time rather than clearing one nostril at a time.

     The fifth cause is airborne irritants.  Cigarette smoking and smoke from a wood burning stove are two examples of airborne irritants that irritate sensitive nasal passages.  Also, those who work around chemicals may be prone to nosebleeds.  If you work among these irritants or other workplace chemicals such as ammonia and chlorine, be sure to stay hydrated in order to keep your body healthy and nasal membranes well lubricated.

     Knowing the root causes behind nosebleeds could help in future prevention of this condition.  But if there is anything serious, you might need to contact your doctor.  For more information on this condition and its causes, visit

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