We are now amid another shut down in our city known as Chicago. This one could be almost as bad as the one in March. Right now it’s not complete stay-at-home order. But it still causes us to live our lives even more in our houses if we haven’t been doing this already. As we strive to get through this, let’s examine different ways we can find a sense of hope and strength in coping with this towards the end of the year.
Stay Close to your Loved Ones
During this time of the year, most people are thinking of family gatherings. Now is the time for us to remain close to our loved ones than ever. Encourage one another to stay safe during these difficult times. Remind each other to wash our hands, wear a mask, etc. Continue to help one another cope with staying at home order. Strive to encourage one another to think positively at this time. Praying together is vital. By sticking close to one another, we will be able to thrive during this time.
Family togetherness is part of what we need during these hard times.
Gather all of your Essentials
Right now it’s preferred that we stay at home as much as possible. But if you have to go out, be sure you are buying all that you need for your home. Go to the grocery store and buy one to two weeks’ worth of groceries at a time. Be sure to prepare a shopping list before you start shopping. As always, wear your mask and carry some sanitizing wipes for wiping down the carts before using.
Stay in Contact with the Elderly Ones
The coronavirus disease has caused millions of people, young and old, to lose their lives. But it is still a must that we continue to check on our elderly loved ones. Make sure that your elderly parents are doing okay by staying in touch with them over the phone or on Zoom. Go to the grocery store for them. Pick up their medications at a pharmacy. Never neglect the elderly ones who need our help at this time.
The Power of Prayer
Besides encouraging one another during this time, we all must pray and rely on Jehovah in helping us get through this. I know I’ve mentioned the importance of praying together earlier. But this must get mentioned again so that more families do this. Jehovah gives us strength, hope, and confidence to face any trial that comes our way. But we first need to take a little time out of our day to talk to him in prayer.
I know that getting through this shutdown won’t be easy. But we can accomplish anything with help from our loved ones and Jehovah. Let’s get through this second shutdown together with faith, love, strength, and hope from him.
If you have anything you want to add, feel free to leave it in the comments section below. Also, be sure to like or share this post with someone you love.