Mental Health Archives - Page 11 of 11 - Walker Writing Services
Freelance Natural Healthcare Writer and Women's Health Blogger

Category Archives: Mental Health

Bipolar Disorder- What is it and how you can seek help

With the recent news of pop superstar Mariah Carey battling the psychological condition, bipolar disorder, many people don’t realize how much it is impacting millions of people earth wide. According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) website, bipolar disorder is one of the two most prevalent mental health conditions, affecting more than 21… Continue Reading

How Coconut Oil could help in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease

I’ve been lately reading an interesting book I’ve bought last year entitled, “The Coconut Oil Miracle.” Certified nutrionist Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D. touches on how this natural elixir has mold the coconut into a “superfood.” Some of its benefits he writes is that it promotes weight loss, helps prevent heart disease, and cancer, just to… Continue Reading

You Can Live your life with ADHD

Some years ago, my brother was diagnosed with a condition called attention deficit disorder, otherwise known as ADD. According to the WebMD website, it is currently known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Like millions of Americans, it has inhibit his ability to pay attention sometimes in everyday conversation or keep a job. People… Continue Reading

New report suggests that ADHD could be a type of sleep disorder

Over the past two decades, parents and teachers across America have reported epidemic levels of children with trouble focusing, impulsive behavior and so much energy that they are bouncing off the walls. This condition is known as ADHD or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Over the years, many scientists have been spending billions of dollars in trying to… Continue Reading


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