August marks National Psoriasis Awareness Month. At least 100 million people worldwide are coping with this skin condition, which causes your body to make new skin cells. The more you start to see these cells grow upon your skin, the more you’ll start to see thick, scaly patches develop. Psoriasis could appear all over the skin, especially on the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp. Most people who become diagnosed with it usually have it for the rest of their lives. But just like with most conditions, there are ways you can still manage psoriasis and reduce the severity of your condition. Here are five ways you can go about doing that.

Keep your Skin Moisturized
This is the number one method in managing the psoriasis condition. We must keep our skin moisturized and healthy. It could help reduce psoriasis flare-ups, which are caused by incessant, dry, and itchy skin. National Psoriasis Foundation recommends using topical creams or ointments that lock in moisture. Some people use cooking oils or shortening for natural skin moisturizing. Consider opting for moisturizers that are fragrance-free or alcohol-free. These types of moisturizers are usually best for people with sensitive skin. Use more moisturizers on cold or dry days.
Reduce Stress
Stress could play a contributing factor in making psoriasis even worse. This is said to be the case because your body copes with stress through inflammation. If you find that your psoriasis is causing you stress, please talk to your doctor. They may be able to provide you with suggestions on how to cope with this. Exercising, engaging in fun hobbies, or breathing exercises are all great ways to lower your stress levels. Be sure to get plenty of sleep as well.
Eat a Healthy Diet
There is some evidence that suggests that what you eat could trigger psoriasis. It could also affect how well your condition responds to treatment. People who eat healthier have seen the severity of their psoriasis become reduced. More exercise also contributes to the slowness of psoriasis as well. Research shows that foods with omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to a decrease in inflammation. Some good examples are fish such as salmon and sardines, vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, and fish oil supplements.
Avoid Scratching
This next tip is usually hard to do for a lot of people suffering from psoriasis. But it clearly must be done if you want to manage your condition the right way. Some may think scratching will help their condition, but in reality, it’ll only worsen it. It could be understandably hard to resist the urge, but if you start and continue to scratch this could lead to bleeding, scabbing, and potentially hair loss. Scratching could also lead to infection-causing germs. Try using an antihistamine or gentle moisturizer for your skin when you start to feel itchy.
Get Small Amounts of Sunlight
Ultraviolet light in the sun can slow down the growth of skin cells, which leads to inflammation. This is why some experts recommend that you expose yourself to the sun two or three times a week. Of course, it’s not good to be too exposed to it because that could lead to severe skin problems such as skin cancer. But small amounts of sun exposure could help improve your psoriasis lesions. Before you ever consider this method in managing your psoriasis, talk to your doctor immediately.
Psoriasis is a serious skin condition that is affecting at least 100 million people over the world. It clearly is showing no signs of slowing down and experts are still researching it to find out its cause. Increasing awareness of this condition helps put away any misconceptions about it such as it being contagious. During this month and every month, continue to educate yourself about psoriasis if you’re a sufferer or you know someone dealing with the condition. Knowledge is power no matter what illness you’re dealing with and it’s vital to stay aware and help others do the same.
Are you dealing with psoriasis or know someone who is coping with it? What are your best tips for managing the condition? Feel free to share them in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next person you know dealing with psoriasis.