Last week, I’ve shared a huge recap of my two-week cruise extravaganza. Because it was quite long, it has been a little tough getting myself back into my routine of writing, online tutoring, and the ministry. If you ever had this same problem I’ve been experiencing, you probably might relate. Coming from a long vacation could make it hard to get back in the swing of things. But here are 5 tips you can follow in getting yourself mentally back in your daily work routine after a long vacation.

Get some “Me” Time Started
Whether you work from home or back in the office, before you go about tackling that onslaught of emails, be sure to start your day with some “Me” time. Starting your workday early with time for yourself is a great way to handle the return back. Try setting your alarm clock early and getting up and stretching. Get your day started by trying one of those stretching exercises I’ve talked about in a past blog post. You can also jumpstart your day by praying or reading a few scriptures in the Bible before heading to secular work. Having some peaceful time for yourself early in the morning helps you be prepared to face the day with confidence.
Give Priority to your Most Important Emails
Once you’re done having a little time to yourself, you’re now ready to start going through your emails. Start making a clear distinction between what’s urgent and important. For example, if your company uses Microsoft Outlook, consider flagging urgent emails or leaving important emails as unread. Don’t be too intimidated by the huge pile of emails. Work on prioritizing what emails you need to reply to right away and which ones can be ignored temporarily.
Schedule a Day to Transition after your Trip
If possible, don’t schedule your workday back directly after your trip. Give yourself an extra day to reflect on your vacation, unpack, and share some photos of your adventure with your family and friends. This will make it easier to get back to work after a long vacation. Keep living in that same vacation state of mind where you’re making your own decisions during this transition day. Prepare yourself well with a good to-do list outlined the night before you come back.
Catch Up on your Sleep
After coming from a long trip, it’s natural to be exhausted or have jet lag. That’s why it’s so important to take an extra day off. You must catch up on your sleep. We all know how important this is to your health. It is usually common for many of us vacationers to start staying up later and sleeping during the day. Catching up on this lost sleep helps you mentally and physically prepare for the work week ahead. Take your day off to reflect and share pictures, but get some much-needed sleep.
Put Together your Goals for the Week
Another thing that’ll help you get back on track is writing down your work goals for the week. What do you hope to accomplish during your week back at work? Your goals might evolve as your week progresses. But try to outline a nice amount of goals without overwhelming yourself. Make your goals possible to reach and realize that this mountain of emails and work is only temporary. Don’t feel guilty about taking some time off from your work because vacation is vital for our mental well-being. It helps you come back stronger and energized as you start a whole new work routine.
How do you mentally get back into your work routine after a long vacation? Do you implement some of these tips or do you do other things? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next worker coming from a vacation that you know.