During this time of the year, many people like to stop and congregate together to share what they’re grateful for. But would it make even better sense to extend, express, or practice gratitude every time of the year? There are plenty of ways we can show our gratitude to someone or something and it doesn’t have to be only on Thanksgiving. Here are 5 simple ways you can practice gratitude any time you want.
Always say “Thank You” and “You’re Welcome”
Sometimes, as imperfect human beings, we could forget to say these two phrases to one another. No matter how old we get, it’s always important to express to someone how thankful we are for the things they’ve done for us. We don’t have to wait for a particular day to express how thankful we are to our loved ones. By saying thank you when someone has done something for us, we are showing them that we appreciate their kindness. It’s also good to reply to someone’s “Thank you” with a “You’re Welcome. This shows you appreciate their gratitude.
Don’t Take People for Granted
The first practice of gratitude we can do all year long leads to the second one. This is not taking people close to us for granted. Unfortunately, many of us have been guilty of doing this. We expect our family members and friends to help us when we’re in trouble or need something. But a lot of times we don’t stop and appreciate all the sacrifice that they put into doing this. They choose to help you because they care about you. Telling them how thankful we are to have them in our lives or helping them in return are two good examples of not taking them for granted.
Start a Gratitude Journal
Have you ever thought of starting a gratitude journal? Keeping track of what you’re grateful for each year is a good way to practice gratitude. By doing this, you’re able to remind yourself of what you’re thankful for. Many people like to start something like this. A gratitude journal is more like a record of your positive thoughts and reflections.
Think about the Good Things in your Life
Take some time to reflect on what’s going well in your life. It could be so easy for all of us to focus on what’s going wrong or things that are not going so well. Focusing on the positive isn’t an easy thing for most of us to do. But we must learn how to do that to be at peace with ourselves. So even if you’re going through something serious, whether it’s a family or health problem, always take some time to reflect on the bright side of a situation.
Extend an Act of Kindness Towards a Nice Person
Do you know that special person who deserves an act of kindness? Don’t be afraid to extend that to them. Helping someone by buying them groceries or driving them to a doctor’s appointment are two great acts of kindness. When you extend an act of kindness to someone, you show that you’re grateful for them. You’re showing that you’re thinking of them and that you care.

Those are the 5 ways you can practice gratitude every time of the year. Most people may choose to wait till a particular day to do this. But you could be extending or expressing your gratitude any time because it shows you’re content with your life despite it being imperfect.
Can you think of other ways you can practice gratitude any time of the year? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next person you’re grateful for.
Love these simple yet effective ways to practice gratitude every day!