Because we women are only human, we all tend to think negatively often or overthink things. But what if we strive to think positively more often? Thinking positively requires more effort, patience, and discipline. But it could be done if we rewire our brains this way. You could also try implementing more positive thinking activities into your everyday life. Here are five of them you could try.
How do You Train your Brain for Positivity
To start developing more positive activities in your life, you must start training your brain to think this way. This involves taking some time to eliminate those negative ideas and perceptions out of your head. If you’re always a negative person, training your brain to see things differently is a nice start to practicing positive thinking. One of the ways of doing this is by practicing gratitude toward others or something. It could be anything like expressing thanks to God about waking up to see another day or smiling on your return back to work. Take a few minutes of your time to reflect on what’s going well in your life.
How Long Does it Take to Train Your Brain to Think Positive?
For some people, it could take some time. It could especially be hard for those who have experienced something traumatic or depressing in their lives. But it could be possible as long as you work with your mind to reflect on things differently. For example, if you usually view your job as “just something that pays the bills” instead of something more meaningful, you may need to take some time to look at it differently. What did you do at your workplace today that made someone’s day better? How does your job title help others or make a difference in people’s lives? The more you reflect on questions like these, the more you’ll start to train your brain to think positively easier and quicker.
What are 5 Ways to Practice Positive Thinking
There are several ways we can try to practice positive thinking in our everyday lives. It isn’t always easy to practice these activities, but it’s possible because you can learn to take each practice day by day. If you want to learn how to live your life positively, try implementing one of these five activities at home, work, or school.
Reframe your Negative Thoughts
The most important thing you must do is to try reframing your thoughts the minute you get up to face another day. Reframing your brain involves patience and commitment. But it is worth it because you start to see yourself thinking differently about various situations. You can start doing this by first identifying when the negative thoughts occur, questioning the accuracy and validity of the negative thoughts by reflecting on the evidence supporting it or not, and finding alternative words to say to replace your negative ones. Doing this habit more often will help you develop a positive mindset.

Do Something Nice for Someone
Another positive thinking activity involves doing something for someone in need. I have always shared this as a good way to feel better about yourself. But it’s also a good way to change your mindset. When you help someone, whether it’s taking your neighbor to the grocery store or tutoring a student with his schoolwork, you’ll start to have a more positive mindset. So reach out to someone you know who needs help and do something for them that makes them feel good.
Surround Yourself Around Positive People
Your friends could be a good reflection of you. So who you spend time with could have a big effect on your mindset. When you surround yourself with people who always complain or become upset, you’ll start to turn into them. Negative people usually weigh you down and can be discouraging. Spend time with people who are positive thinkers and bring out the best in you.
Take a Pause Before Responding to Hard Situations
When we find ourselves in a difficult situation, our instinct is to react to it right away. However, we don’t have to always do this. We can instead pause before responding to these situations to respond to them better. Doing this will help us to think rationally about a challenging situation and respond more positively
Let Go of Things that Weigh Us Down
As I mentioned earlier, if you have friends or people in your life who are always negative toward you, those types of people could weigh you down. It’s also important to get rid of other things that can weigh you down. This could be that couch you hate, that outfit you no longer could fit in, or the way your house is decorated. Be willing to let go of stuff that keeps you down. Don’t be so willing to hold onto things so tightly because all things do come to an end.
Stop Negative Thoughts and Overthinking
A lot of us are guilty of this sort of thing. I am guilty of it and that’s overthinking. We must stop the cycle of streaming negative thoughts inhibiting our minds and overthinking matters. It could be hard because our instinct is to always think negatively or overthink things. But if we follow the above 5 suggestions, we can be on our way to implementing positive thinking activities in our lives.
Do you find yourself always thinking negatively or overthinking about every single thing? Do you try to implement positive thinking activities in your everyday life? Feel free to share those in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next person you know who needs more positivity in their life.