Spring has certainly sprung quickly in our city of Chicago. It seems like just yesterday we were having 10 inches of snow. Now all of a sudden, we are having this beautiful 60-degree weather. But as always, we still need to take care of ourselves, no matter how nice the weather is right now. The spring season does tend to bring in allergies for many people and with this pandemic still active here are five best ways you can stay healthy.

Control Allergy Symptoms
During this season, plants are starting to grow and blossom. There is also plenty of pollen and other particles flowing in the air. If you exhibit any allergies to these things, there are ways you can control them. Avoid being outside for a prolonged time when the pollen count is high. Talk to your doctor about any remedies for your symptoms. Also, be careful about allowing any items in your house that could affect your allergies.
Add Something New to Your Workout Routine
Because the weather has become nice, most people will feel the need to go out more. Despite this pandemic still looming, we are still able to go outside and enjoy the weather. However, we must continue to follow the protocol in wearing our masks and social distancing.
However, why not take advantage of the nice weather and add something new to your exercise routine? If you have a bike, go out and do some bike riding along the lake. Maybe you can go out for a nice jog in the park if that isn’t part of your routine. Changing up your exercise routine will help to get in shape more enjoyable this spring.
Protect your skin from the Sun
With the weather being as nice as it is, you are likely going to be spending some time outside. If you’re going to be doing this, you have to protect your skin. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends wearing a sun-block lotion with an SPF higher than 30. It’s also essential to have one with UVA-blocking ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and oxybenzone. Like I’ve mentioned in a previous post, your skin is your largest organ and you must treat it like you love it.
Incorporate Superfoods into your Diet
The warmer weather also brings in more vegetables and fruits that weren’t sprouting during the winter season. Some of these include watermelons, pineapples, and mangoes, to name a few. However, look for some superfoods to pop up this season that you can add to your diet. Walnuts, blueberries, and asparagus are good examples of these nutritional foods.
Stay Positive
The last key to staying healthy this spring is to just stay positive. We may be still going through the stress of this pandemic. We may be all going through something else personally. But if we all continue to remain positive mentally, it will be a lot easier for us to stay healthy this season. Having a positive mindset makes a big impact on our health. It’s important to know that our strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust during these hard times.
What are your tips for having a healthy spring? Feel free to share in the comments section. As always, be sure to like or share this post. Have a healthy, happy spring!