We’re almost at the most important event of the year. This event is none other than the Memorial of Christ’s Death. Many of us are looking forward to this day, which will be held on March 24 this year. As important as this day is for my dear friends and myself, it’s also important that we continue to show our appreciation for it every single day. How can we do this? Here are 4 ways we can show our appreciation for Christ’s beautiful ransom gift even after it ends.
Read the Bible Daily
If we want to continue learning and deepening our appreciation for the ransom, we must be diligent in reading and studying the Bible every day. We should do more than just merely read the Bible. It’s also important to do some background research on what we’re learning. Consider making use of tools such as the Watchtower Library, JW.org, or JW Library. People who are attending the Memorial for the first time could ask for a free home Bible study. All of these things help you to deeply take in knowledge and strengthen your appreciation for the ransom.
Meditate on the Ransom
After we deeply study the Bible, we must take the time to think about what we learned. As you’re thinking, it’s important to analyze what Christ’s ransom sacrifice means to you. The more you meditate on this loving sacrifice, the more it’ll draw you closer to the Father and his Dear son. Meditating more on the scriptures from the Bible allows you to think about other questions such as what does this scripture account teach me about Jehovah. You may likely find yourself getting emotional as you read about God’s greatest gift to mankind.
Talk to People about this Ransom Sacrifice
When people are really appreciative of something, they’ll more than likely tell people instead of holding it in. That’s why we go out in the ministry to share with people about this sacrifice. We want others to come to deeply understand and appreciate God’s greatest gift as we are. Hence, the reason for our Memorial campaign is that we strive to invite as many people as possible to this important event. We want to help others draw closer to Jehovah and his son. Jesus commissioned us to “go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations.”
Strive to Live our Life for Jehovah and Jesus
The fourth and last way is one of the most important ones to express our appreciation for the ransom even after the Memorial celebration. It involves us living our lives for our heavenly Father. This means doing our best to live our lives based on the way that Jehovah wants us to live. He wants all people to come to know and love him. But he also wants us to obey him by living a morally clean life that pleases him.

Those are some of the most important ways we can continue to show our appreciation for the ransom sacrifice after the Memorial celebration. As we all come together to have our annual celebration, let us not only think about acknowledging this ransom gift on March 24. We must also think about how we’re going to keep it in our minds and hearts by showing our appreciation every day.
Share your thoughts and ways how you will continue to show your appreciation for God’s ransom sacrifice after the Memorial in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next person you love and care about who’s celebrating the Memorial of Christ’s Death with you.