In last week’s post, I talked about the benefits of a fresh start. I shared how it could benefit you mentally and physically. This week, I’m going to build on that and talk about how we could break something we all want to break. This are called old habits.
We all have an annoying habit we want to break. Sometimes, these habits could be hard to do away with. Let’s look at four good ways we can start replacing these habits with newer ones with ease.
Work on One Habit at a Time
Whether it’s at the beginning of the year or during another time, sometimes we could go overboard to change our habits. But I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to take things slow. It could be overwhelming to work on multiple old bad habits. Try working on one at a time.
Consider picking one keystone habit. I’ve learned that this is defined as one behavior or routine that could pull your life in order on its own. One good example could be weightlifting. By following this routine every week, this could lead to improved eating, sleeping, and concentration. This one habit led to a fully healthy lifestyle for you.

Change your Environment or Association
People are more apt to change their bad habits when they experience a life-changing event like moving to a different place. New situations could cause people to switch up their routines. Why not consider doing the same and change your environment? Have you ever thought about moving to a new house or a new city? Change could be healthy and influence you to adjust your habits.
Another good thing to do is to make some adjustments to who you hang out with. Try widening out in your friendships with people. Become friends with people who may be older than you or a different race from you. Having good friends could help you in breaking those old habits.
Write those New habits down
If you have some new and better habits you want to start, such as sleeping 8 hours a day, why not try writing them down? Writing things down allows you to keep track of them. It also helps you remember them better. They have certain lists where you could jot your new habits down called a habit tracker. In a habit tracker, you could keep up with your new habits you’re trying to work on doing more, learn how you’re doing with them, and how you could improve in practicing them. You’ll feel more organized and replace your old habits with new ones at the same time.
Feel Confident You Can Break those Old Habits
We all heard of the old saying- If you believe it, you can achieve it. That could ring true when it comes to trying to end those old habits of yours. If you believe you can do away with any habits you dislike, you will likely end them. All you need is a little faith you can develop better habits and you should be fine.
Take baby steps in breaking any habits you don’t like. Consider making some adjustments in your environment or association. Make a note of those new habits you want to adopt in your routine. Feel confident in knowing you can finally break away from those old, nagging habits.
Have any old habits you want to break from? Feel free to share them in the comments section below. As usual, be sure to like or share this post with someone you care about.