On April 22nd, many people take a little time out of their day to acknowledge different ways they can conserve their natural resources. This day is known as Earth Day. Our planet is filled with so much pollution. It seems like every day man is ruining the Earth. However, there are small but mighty ways you can take the initiative to help the land that we live on. Even better, you can do these any time of the year. Here are 4 of those ways.

Recycle your Electronics
You already know about recycling aluminum cans, glass bottles, and paper. Consider recycling your old electronics as well. There are plenty of recycling companies and centers where you can safely recycle your broken devices for free. Companies like Apple and Best Buy have electronic recycling programs that allow you to recycle your broken or old tablet and phone. Recycling your old devices helps save natural resources and reduces pollution.
Use Energy-Efficient Lightbulbs
Although some energy-efficient lightbulbs such as fluorescent light bulbs and LEDs do cost more, they use up less energy than incandescent bulbs. LEDs also have a much higher life expectancy- up to 100,000 hours. You’ll also be saving more money in the long run. If you want to use some light bulbs that’ll allow you to conserve energy all year round, put some LEDs or fluorescent light bulbs in your home.
Walk or Bike instead of driving
This next one is obvious, but it’s something we don’t do enough. Consider walking to your destination if it isn’t too far. Many people bike to their jobs. Doing this just a few times a week could save you money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and get some exercise in, too.
Try Composting
Instead of throwing their food away, why not consider composting? This involves layering your organic waste in a well-aerated bin. These could be kitchen vegetable scraps or other leftover food you don’t want to throw in the landfill. Be sure to keep the pile moist and mix the layers every week. Adding finished compost to your soil helps it retain moisture and nutrients. It also helps improve the structure and health of your soil.
Those are just 4 of the unique ways we can acknowledge Earth Day every day of the year. If you care about our planet, not just on Earth Day, do these simple things to make sure you’re doing your best to conserve our natural resources. How do you acknowledge Earth Day on April 22nd or any day of the year? Do you recycle or thinking about getting into composting? Feel free to put in the comments section below what you like to do on this day if you’re much of an environmentalist. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next person you know who cares about protecting our Earth.